Beware conspiracy theorists are exploiting “Disease X” to make profits

Beware conspiracy theorists are exploiting “Disease X” to make profits

Conspiracy theorists in the United States have seized on talk of Disease
AFP fact-checkers found that lies about the unknown pathogen originated in the United States, but spread to Asia in multiple regional languages.

Rapidly spreading misinformation, which underscores the dangers of declining content monitoring on social media sites according to experts, threatens to exacerbate vaccine hesitancy and affect public health emergency preparedness four years after the outbreak of “Covid-19.”

Right-wing influencers in the United States are exploiting misinformation to sell prescription drugs containing what health experts call an “unproven treatment” for the Corona virus.

Timothy Caulfield, from the University of Alberta in Canada, told AFP: “Disinformation purveyors try to exploit conspiracy theories to sell products. This is often their primary source of income. Without evidence-based fear mongering around vaccines and government conspiracies, they will make little or no income.” .

Alex Jones, the founder of InfoWars, which has made millions spreading conspiracy theories about mass shootings and Covid-19, falsely claimed on social media that there was a global plan to spread Disease X as a “genocidal killing weapon.”

American cardiologist Peter McCullough, known for spreading misinformation about Covid-19, claimed that Disease He posted his claims on the website of The Wellness Company, a US-based nutritional supplement supplier where he serves as chief scientific officer.

The site offers an "emergency medical kit" for about $300 to urge people to "prepare" for Disease X.

Gateway Pundit, a right-wing website known for conspiracy theories, also promoted the medical tools in a propaganda message entitled “Disease

Jennifer Reich, a sociologist at the University of Colorado Denver, said conspiracy theories are based on increased vaccine hesitancy since Covid-19, which is likely to have "far-reaching" public health implications.

“Misinformation can also lead some people to take ineffective or even harmful actions during the epidemic,” said Chunhui Qi, a professor of global health at Oregon State University.

It is worth noting that conspiracy theories were launched after the World Economic Forum held a panel on “Preparing for Disease X” in January, focusing on a possible future pandemic.


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