Alien or caveman? A new discovery baffles scientists

Alien or caveman? A new discovery baffles scientists

A new mummy that was recently found in Colombia has raised questions about its origin and what it is, as scientists believe that it belongs to an alien or a caveman who lived more than 800 years ago.

The tiny creature has a long skull, slanted eyes, and an unusual number of ribs, 10 on each side of the body, compared to the typical 12 ribs of a normal human.

Pictures of the mysterious object were sent by an anonymous source via a WhatsApp message to a Daily Mail reporter, who said that the mummy may have originated in Pygmy Hill in remote Colombia.

The umbilical cord marks, which are commonly found on terrestrial mammals, have raised speculation that the strange mummy could be linked to the remains of a small human, which was discovered in Peru.

However, skeptical scientists asserted that both specimens were likely dead and human fetal remains.

But the new discovery may keep hope alive for frustrated “ancient alien” hunters, after a sharp analysis conducted recently by forensic archaeologists, who concluded that the “strange mummies” presented before the Mexican Congress last September were man-made.

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