African Union: Sudan demands reintegration before any mediation

African Union: Sudan demands reintegration before any mediation

Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, head of the Sudanese army and chairman of Sudan's Transitional Sovereign Council, said on Sunday that Sudan has full confidence in the African Union (AU), and called on it to reintegrate his country within the regional organization.

The AU suspended Sudan following the coup of October 25, 2021. 

During the visit of a high-level AU delegation to Port Sudan, the Sudanese military chief said that Sudan would only consider the African Union's proposal to end the conflict if the continental bloc reestablished its status as a full member.

Consisting of three members, this delegation was established by the AU Commission in January to facilitate dialogue, restore constitutional order and work in collaboration with Sudanese stakeholders and the international community, towards lasting peace. .

Mohamed Ibn Chambas, the head of the AU delegation, said the AU high-level group was keen to find solutions to the crisis, and had listened to all political forces in Sudan.

Mr. Al-Burhan stressed that any solution must be based on a withdrawal of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF, paramilitary) from the towns and villages they occupy.

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