According to Kokraket residents, around 450 homes were destroyed by fire : Myanmar

According to Kokraket residents, around 450 homes were destroyed by fire : Myanmar

During the more than three months of fighting between the military council army and the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) allied forces in Kok Krait, the military council army threw firebombs at residential houses. A resident, who did not want to be named for security reasons, told RFA that more than 450 homes in Kokkraet have already been destroyed by arson.

"There are more than 450 houses that have burned down in more than three months, and there have been about 20 fires already. There have already been that many. If the city is a little quieter, people who avoid coming back come back and see what the burned places are."

KNLA-allied troops in the city of Kokrate, burning houses to prevent military action from entering and attacking. In addition to the drone and firebombing attacks, the 97th Khlara Division fired heavy weapons into the neighborhoods, setting war-torn homes on fire, said a female Public Defense (PDF) troop official who did not want to be named for security reasons.

"The military council dropped incendiary bombs with drones, followed by flares, and then hit them with heavy weapons. That's why many houses in this district have been destroyed and lost. Every day, such houses are burning."

A resident of Kok Krait, who did not want to be named for security reasons, said that during the long days of fighting, in addition to the fire damage caused by the army's bombardment, a group of thieves also broke into and burned down local homes fleeing the war.

"Now, there are more fires in Cork. On the 11th and 12th of March, about 50 houses were destroyed, No. 6 and No. 4. Now, on the 11th, if there was a fire on the 11th, the fire started by itself, without hearing the sound of a battle or the sound of heavy weapons. This is usually caused by the fire. And these thieves also steal a lot. There are also groups of them who steal, and when they have finished stealing, they burn the houses."

The military council has not issued any news regarding the recent fighting in Kok Krait city, and the military council spokeswoman General Za Min Tun and the Minister of Security and Border Affairs of Karen State, Colonel Min Kyaw Ao, have been contacted by phone, but they have not answered the phone.

Now, in March, Kirin Pier in Karen State, Myawati KNLA-allied forces are reporting that the military and KNLA-allied forces are fighting fiercely in Kok Krait Township, and the military is escalating military attacks and the air force is continuously bombarding them.


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