AA group talks with Mizoram MP about India-Myanmar highway construction

AA group talks with Mizoram MP about India-Myanmar highway construction

India Mizoram State Zorampu region and Chin State; The Lairam Times reports that Mizoram MP Pu Valalvena and Rakhine Army (AA) officials held a meeting at the border of the two countries on February 29 regarding the construction of a road connecting Palatva.

That road is India, The road will be constructed from East Lair Ram to Palatva in Mizoram.

According to the Kelantan River Multimodal Transport Project (KMMTTP), the Paletwa-Zorampoo section is a 100-kilometer long, 27-foot-wide four-lane road that will be constructed from Paletwa wharf to India.

He said that the Paletwa-Zorumpu road, which was suspended in 2020, was resumed at the beginning of 2023, but was stopped due to the fighting, and the construction of the road resumed after the AA captured Paletwa.

The Rakhine Army (AA) has not released anything about this meeting.

India has invested US$ 484 million in the Kalatan River Multipurpose Transport Project.


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