5 vital signs of vitamin deficiency in the body

5 vital signs of vitamin deficiency in the body

Vitamins and minerals are vital organic compounds necessary to ensure our bodies function at their best.
We can obtain all the nutrients we need by adhering to a healthy and balanced diet. However, there are several reasons to suffer from a deficiency of a particular vitamin or mineral, including not eating healthy foods or the body's poor ability to absorb vitamins.

In this regard, health expert Samantha Greiner shared 5 vital signs of vitamin deficiency in the body, which are:

Blurred vision

It may be caused by a deficiency of vitamin A, which is found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli, and yellow vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes.

Vitamin A is essential for overall eye health, so difficulty seeing in low-light conditions can be a sign of a vitamin deficiency in the body.

Bone and muscle pain

Vitamin D helps absorb calcium, which means that feelings of weakness and pain in the bones could be an indicator of low levels.

Muscle pain can also indicate a vitamin D deficiency because it plays an important role in ensuring that our muscles work efficiently.

Dry hair

A lack of zinc in the body leads to weak hair follicles and dryness.

This vitamin is found in meat, fish, and dairy products, and can be taken as a nutritional supplement.

Brain fog

Brain fog (fogged thinking and imbalance) and memory loss may be caused by a deficiency of vitamin B, which is found in proteins and leafy greens and supports the overall health of our brains.

Weak teeth and gum infections

Vitamin C plays an important role in oral health, especially when it comes to helping prevent gum disease.

A deficiency of vitamin C, which is found in citrus fruits, peppers, cauliflower and several other foods, can increase the risk of gum infections and weak teeth.

If you are concerned that you may have a vitamin deficiency, you should consult your GP.


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