3 strategies for exercising safely during Ramadan

3 strategies for exercising safely during Ramadan

Jennifer Deeks, a sports trainer in the Department of Sports Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic in the United States, said that there are a number of standards that fasting people can apply during Ramadan to exercise safely.

Deeks highlights guidelines that can help anyone who wants to maintain their exercise during the month of Ramadan.

1- Eat balanced foods
Deeks explained that it is important not to miss the suhoor meal, and to make sure to eat balanced meals. Suhoor and Iftar meals should include complex carbohydrates (such as brown bread), lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Deeks stressed the need to focus on foods that contribute to hydrating the body at mealtimes, and said, “Salty foods should be avoided and foods that contain a high percentage of water should be included in meals, such as: fruits such as watermelon, apples, and pears, and vegetables, such as: cucumbers.” .

2- Moisturize the body efficiently
Deeks explained that individuals should drink more fluids than usual, in order to avoid dehydration during the day, and she suggested drinking up to a liter of water in the morning with suhoor.

In addition to water, milk and fruits are good options. As for drinks rich in caffeine; Such as: tea, coffee, and soft drinks, as they are diuretics and should be avoided as much as possible.

3- Keeping the body cool
Deeks pointed out clothes immediately after exercise, instead of staying in exercise clothes, which stick to the body and retain sweat.” ".


  1. Jennifer Deeks, a sports trainer, emphasizes safe exercise practices during Ramadan. Guidelines include balanced meals, adequate hydration, and changing out of sweaty clothes post-exercise to stay cool.

  2. Keeping the body cool
    Deeks pointed out clothes immediately after exercise, instead of staying in exercise clothes, which stick to the body and retain sweat.” ".

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