"Volt Typhoon" What do you know about Chinese-backed pirates?

"Volt Typhoon" What do you know about Chinese-backed pirates?

Security services in China
Microsoft believes that Volt Typhoon seeks to develop capabilities that could disrupt critical communications infrastructure between the United States and the Asian region.

Networks controlled by a widespread Chinese hacking group dubbed Volt Typhoon were disrupted by a US government operation, Reuters reported.

The group has alarmed intelligence officials who say it is part of a larger effort to undermine critical Western infrastructure, including seaports, internet service providers and utilities, raising concerns that the hackers were working to harm US preparedness in the event that China attempts to retake Taiwan by force.

Future crises
Almost every country in the world uses hackers to gather intelligence, and major powers like the United States and Russia have huge centers for such groups, many of which cybersecurity experts have given multiple nicknames, such as the Equigen Group or Fancy Bear.

Experts begin to worry when such groups shift their interest from intelligence gathering to digital sabotage.

Microsoft said in a blog post in May last year that the Volt Typhoon “seeks to develop capabilities that could disrupt critical communications infrastructure between the United States and the Asian region in the future in the event of a crisis,” which immediately brought to mind escalating tensions. Between China and the United States regarding Taiwan. It is certain that any conflict between these two countries will involve cyber attacks across the Pacific Ocean, according to Reuters.

Taiwanese robots
Does this mean that a group of destructive hackers is preparing to sabotage US infrastructure in the event of a Taiwan-related conflict?

Microsoft described its assessment last year as “moderate” confidence, intelligence language that typically means a theory is plausible and from a reliable source, but has not yet been fully confirmed. Researchers identified different aspects of the hacking group.

It is now clear that Volt Typhoon worked by seizing control of large swaths of vulnerable digital devices around the world - such as routers, modems and even Internet-connected security cameras - to conceal subsequent attacks on more sensitive targets.

This collection of remotely controlled systems, known as a botnet, is a major concern for security officials because it limits the visibility of cybersecurity officials monitoring foreign fingerprints into their computer networks.

In a report issued earlier this month, cybersecurity ratings firm SecurityScorecard said Cisco devices were particularly vulnerable to hacking activity by Volt Typhoon.

The company said it had identified "a network of covert infrastructure operating in Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific that appears to consist of compromised routers and other network peripherals."

A map of China is seen through a magnifying glass on a computer screen showing binary digits in Singapore, in this January 2, 2014 file illustration photo.  Security researchers have many names for the hacking group that is one of the suspects for the cyberattack on the US government's Office of Personnel Management: PinkPanther, KungFu Kittens, Group 72 and, most famously, Deep Panda.  But to Jared Myers and colleagues at cybersecurity company RSA, it is called Shell Crew, and Myers' team is one of the few who have watched it mid-assault — and eventually repulsed it.  Myers' account of a months-long battle with the group illustrates the challenges governments and companies face in defending against hackers that researchers believe are linked to the Chinese government - a charge Beijing denies.

Hidden storm
Almost all cyber spies cover their tracks, and the use of so-called botnets by both the government and hackers to hide their cyber operations is nothing new.

This approach is often used when an attacker wants to quickly target many victims at once or seeks to cover their tracks.

China denies hacking, and did so in the case of the Typhoon Volt. But documentation of Beijing's cyber espionage campaigns has been accumulating for more than two decades, according to Reuters.

Espionage has come into sharp focus over the past 10 years, with Western researchers linking abuses to specific units within the People's Liberation Army, and US law enforcement authorities accusing a series of Chinese officers of stealing American secrets.

SecureWorks, an arm of Dell, said in a blog post last year: “Volt Typhoon’s interest in breaching operational security likely stems from embarrassment over the drumbeat of US indictments and mounting pressure on the (Chinese) leadership to avoid public scrutiny.” In its electronic espionage activity.

The Biden administration has increasingly focused on hacking, not only for fear that countries will attempt to disrupt or divert the US elections next November, but because ransomware has caused chaos in American companies in 2023.

A global organization launches a digital initiative from Bahrain

The Digital Cooperation Organization - an international multilateral organization aiming to enable digital prosperity - launched a number of initiatives during the conclusion of its third General Assembly meeting in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The organization's launch of a number of new digital cooperation initiatives aimed to bridge the global digital gap, and the organization's council announced the names of the new member states joining its membership, namely Bangladesh, Qatar, and Greece. During the General Assembly meeting, the presidency of the Digital Cooperation Organization was officially handed over to Jordan.

During the meeting, which was held under the chairmanship of Mohammed bin Thamer Al Kaabi, Minister of Transport and Communications and Chairman of the Council of the Digital Cooperation Organization, and with the participation of Dima bint Yahya Al Yahya, Secretary-General of the Digital Cooperation Organization, the heads of the delegations met the ministers and representatives of the 16 member states of the organization, which represent approximately 800 million people, and more than Its gross domestic product is $3.5 trillion, in addition to guest countries, international organizations, a group of partners, and observers who together discussed topics for enhancing global digital cooperation, including: the growth of cross-border markets, the value of data, a sustainable human-centered digital economy, and digital cooperation for impact. , digital trade, investment, entrepreneurship, and enhancing digital cooperation.

During the announcement of the Council’s decisions, the member states of the Digital Cooperation Organization reaffirmed their commitment to building a flexible and efficient multilateral organization, while recognizing the pivotal stage in the progress of the global digital economy, and emphasizing the importance of cooperation between concerned parties in various sectors to advance and accelerate the comprehensive and sustainable growth of the digital economy. Global.

In addition, in the statement, Member States affirmed their commitment to preventing the global digital divide from becoming a development challenge, while recognizing the potential of digital transformation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. To achieve this, members called on all stakeholders in the global digital economy to cooperate diligently within a multilateral framework to ensure that every country, company and individual has the opportunity to thrive in the global digital economy.

Member States touched on the recent developments and trends of the digital economy, which create new opportunities and at the same time create challenges whose impact can be mitigated through international cooperation. She also stressed the importance of multilateral cooperation to harmonize digital policies around the world. The Council’s announcement noted the role of cooperation in overcoming the risks of digital disparity and bridging the digital divide, and the Council confirmed the formation of the Executive Committee for the year 2024, headed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and representatives from six member states.

Member states revealed the organization's latest initiatives, represented by the Center of Excellence in the field of generative artificial intelligence, which will launch a network of advanced facilities equipped with advanced systems.

The organization also announced other new initiatives aimed at advancing digital cooperation, including the “Data Embassy” initiative and the “Online Content Integrity” initiative. All initiatives led by the organization, in cooperation with member states, observers and partners, aim to achieve an inclusive, sustainable and cross-border digital economy.

The Data Embassy initiative supports the establishment of a network of secure data storage facilities across national borders, which guarantees the integrity and sovereignty of member states’ data, while taking into account the unified digital environment among the organization’s member states. The initiative is one of the most important goals of the Digital Cooperation Organization for Data, which will form a framework that explores the best ways to manage and govern data, which helps member states and the Digital Cooperation Organization respond to the challenges of interoperability, privacy, and digital diplomacy.

This is while the Online Content Integrity Initiative faces the challenges posed by misleading information on social media and broadcast platforms, taking into account the diversity of cultural values. The organization welcomed the State of Kuwait’s decision to support this initiative.

The General Assembly meeting of the Digital Cooperation Organization witnessed the announcement of the joining of 17 new observers from various sectors, which reflects the global will to enhance digital cooperation among various groups of stakeholders, and the member states of the organization affirmed their commitment to reducing the global digital gap through the capabilities provided by digital transformation to achieve success. Sustainable development goals.

It is noteworthy that the Digital Cooperation Organization is a global multilateral organization established in November 2020, and aims to enable digital prosperity for all by accelerating the comprehensive and sustainable growth of the digital economy. The Digital Cooperation Organization brings together the ministries of communications and information technology in 16 countries: the Kingdom of Bahrain, the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Djibouti, the Republic of Gambia, the Republic of Ghana, the Hellenic Republic “Greece”, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the State of Kuwait, the Kingdom of Morocco, and the Republic of Nigeria. Federal Republic, the Sultanate of Oman, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the State of Qatar, the Republic of Rwanda, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The organization focuses on empowering youth, women, and entrepreneurs, and takes advantage of the accelerating power of the digital economy, keeping pace with innovation to drive economic growth, and its vision is to work towards a world in which every country, company, and individual has a fair opportunity to thrive in the digital economy. The next General Assembly of the Digital Cooperation Organization is scheduled to be held in February 2025 in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

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