The military council said that the military service system was introduced because of the need for force : Myanmar

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The military council said that the military service system was introduced because of the need for force : Myanmar

Military Council spokesman General Zaw Min Tun said on February 12 to the media owned by the Military Council that they are developing a militia conscription system because of the need for defense forces.

In underdeveloped countries, high-tech weapons, Major General Zaw Min Tun said that since there are only a limited number of military and armed forces that can handle military equipment, it is a situation where it is necessary for all national forces to participate in protecting the country.

In addition, the military council said that the people need to participate in building a balanced economy and defense power in order to respect and respect their own strength.

A woman from Yangon told RFA that the activation of the Military Council's military service system would make young people more against the Military Council.

"As soon as they join the army, they will fight for the failure of the military dictatorship. For various reasons, it seems that those who are in the city are pushed into the forest by themselves."

As for the military council, in order to have a formidable defense power, To protect a true and disciplined democratic system; To build peace and stability in the country It is said that it is necessary to support the people in order to fight the warlordism.

The Military Council has announced that it will start promulgating the Militia Service Law on February 10, 2024, more than thirty years after the coup, and will issue the necessary rules and procedures again.

What is the reason why Uyghur intellectuals in the field of history and culture have been hit hard?

For a long time, the Chinese government has been trying to completely destroy the Uyghur culture and identity by assimilating the "Chinese nation" or a single Chinese culture into the Uyghurs in order to make the Uyghur region a "part of China".

 Today, it is known that the Uyghur culture, which is one of the core elements of the Uyghur national identity, and the Uyghur intellectuals, who are the guardians of this culture, have been hit the hardest. During our radio's previous inquiries, it was confirmed that many Uyghur intellectuals who contributed to Uyghur history and culture, including writers-poets, historians, linguists, and folklorists, were thrown into prison camps. Among them, in addition to sharp intellectuals such as Yalgun Rosi, Abdur Qadir Jalalin, who wrote many articles on the fate of the nation, and influenced the current of Uyghur society, there are also historians Abliz Orhun, folklorist Rachel Davut, Yasimjan Sadik Choglan, who is famous for his historical novels, and Zulfikar Barat Ozbash, a doctor of sociology. Researchers and writers were known to exist.

Director of the Uyghur Human Rights Development Research Center, Dr. Henrik Shajewski, reported on Uyghur intellectuals victimized by the Chinese government, and told our radio station:

 "In the previous report, we confirmed with evidence that 312 Uyghur and other Turkish people's intellectuals are being held in camps and prisons. We confirmed the capture of these intellectuals through relatives, friends, and government documents. We believe that the Chinese government's persecution of Uyghur and other Turkic people's intellectuals is a significant part of the crimes against humanity in the Uyghur region. We call this a new form of de-elite. The aim is to destroy the Uighur and other Muslim Turkic peoples and their identity.

Why does the Chinese government target Uyghur intellectuals who study Uyghur history and culture?

The associate professor of the Faculty of History of Turkey's Hajetepeh University, Dr. Free Ekram answered our question and said: "These Uyghur elites are the conscience of the Uyghur nation. "The Chinese government is trying to assimilate the Uyghurs by forgetting their history and identity."

Experts say that in recent years, Chinese nationalist Xi Jinping's strategy of "infusing the culture of all ethnic groups into Chinese culture" is a good name for the assimilation plan of all ethnic groups in China. In such a situation, the intellectuals who study the history and culture of the Uyghurs are the leading players in maintaining the identity awareness of the Uighurs.

Dr. Rune Stenberg, a Uyghur scholar who has lived in Uyghur and studied Uyghur culture, and is currently continuing his research in Berlin, explained the reasons for the Chinese government's persecution of intellectuals in the fields of history and culture: "The massive persecution of Chinese Uyghur elites began in 2014. My friends and colleagues like Rachel David are now in camps and prisons. They have no sin. The Chinese government considers them a threat to its regime. They were persecuted for their research, their ideas and opinions. »

According to the information available so far, the mass kidnappings started by the Chinese government in 2017 primarily targeted religious people and nationalist intellectuals. Today, the Chinese government is busy brainwashing them. According to experts, China's goal is to first destroy the intellectuals who are the leaders of the nation, kill the Uyghur identity awareness and courage, and then assimilate the whole nation under the Chinese identity.


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