Is crying good for the eyes or harmful to them?

Is crying good for the eyes or harmful to them?

People are exposed to many circumstances that are reflected in the form of emotional emotions and behaviors, and some resort to crying and shedding tears in certain situations. Does crying benefit or harm the eyes?

 In order for the eye to perform its function normally, its surface must be constantly moist, regardless of external conditions, and a healthy body maintains optimal hydration of the eye if the person is in a hot, dry place or in a cold place. The eyes of particularly sensitive people secrete up to 30 ml of tears per day, and these “emotional tears” can sometimes be useful, as they help relieve sadness and psychological tension. The body also increases during crying, the secretion of the hormone endorphins, which is considered a natural painkiller secreted by the body. To relieve pain and tension, the production of enkephalin also increases during crying, which is a substance that has relaxing effects and helps relieve pain.

In general, tears have several benefits for eye health. They protect them from dryness, dust, and many external damages. They help deliver nutrients to the cornea and contribute to removing dead cells. They also contribute to removing some harmful substances from the body.

Despite the benefits of tears for the eyes, crying also has some harm. Continuous crying causes irritation and redness of the eyes, affects the tear-secreting glands, and may cause sensitivity to the skin of the face and around the eyes, and affects the eyelids. Crying and emotional tension increase the secretion of cortisol, which is harmful to the body.

Foodstuffs that help lower blood pressure

Pomegranate helps lower blood pressure

Professor Grant Shikian, a cardiovascular disease specialist from the Faculty of Medicine at the Russian University of Education, revealed the foods that help reduce high blood pressure.
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The professor said in an interview with the newspaper “Izvestia”: “There are two types of foods that directly affect the level of blood pressure. The first is pomegranate. It contains vitamin C, in addition to many active ingredients, which, among other things, slow down the action of angiotensin. Which constricts blood vessels. It is best to drink pomegranate juice, provided that it is natural. The second type is Aronia blackberry (Chokeberry), which helps lower blood pressure levels directly. But it is impossible to rely on them alone for treatment, and to abandon taking medications - because it is not possible to determine the amount of these substances that must be taken to lower the level of blood pressure. Therefore, “people who suffer from low blood pressure are prohibited from eating pomegranates and Myrrhea aronia.”

The professor points out that there are other substances that indirectly affect the level of blood pressure by improving the condition of the walls of blood vessels, and these substances are beneficial for those who suffer from high or low blood pressure. These substances are citrus because they contain vitamin C, which protects small blood vessels from damage and increases their elasticity. This is important because one of the causes of high blood pressure is vascular hypertension. Since vitamin C decomposes when heated, a piece of lemon, for example, should be placed in warm tea, not hot. Citrus fruits also contain flavonoids that help thin the blood. However, citrus fruits should not be overused, because the acids they contain can damage the gastric mucosa.

Eating spinach helps lower blood pressure because it contains many vitamins, potassium and magnesium, which help maintain the flexibility of the walls of blood vessels. Beets also contain vitamin C and potassium, but too much of them causes diarrhea. You can drink both red and green tea because it contains flavonoids. But you should be careful not to drink green tea in case of liver failure.

In addition, low-fat fermented dairy products can be eaten because they contain calcium, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and maintains their elasticity. You can also eat seafood, because it has been proven to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood. We must not forget nuts and seeds because they contain nutrients including arginine and citrulline - substances that remove cholesterol. In the early stages, it helps fight atherosclerotic plaques.

According to the professor, eating ginger helps relax the muscles of blood vessels, prevent spasms, and acts as a natural antiplatelet agent. Garlic and dark chocolate containing 70 percent or more cocoa also help, as it is enough to eat two small pieces of it a day. You can also eat legumes because they contain niacin and folic acid, but they are rich in calories and cause constipation.


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