In a dangerous development, Greenland is turning green

A team of scientists has revealed that the "white" Greenland is turning green due to the melting of its vast ice sheets and the emergence of vegetation underneath.

The research team led by Jonathan Karivick, an earth scientist at the University of Leeds' School of the Environment, estimated that 11,000 square miles (28,707 square kilometers) of Greenland's ice sheet and glaciers have melted over the past three decades.

"We had to use a set of images stretching back to the early 1980s and early 2010s," Karevik told MailOnline. "This loss only relates to the Greenland ice sheet, which is often referred to as the inner ice, not the entire island."

The entire area of ​​Greenland is approximately 836,000 square miles, and in the 1980s the ice cover extended across 679,000 square miles (about 81%).

The loss of 11,000 square miles now reduces the total ice cover to 79%, which is not a huge difference in percentage terms, but "tremendous" in terms of magnitude, Karivick said.

Now, barren rocks, wetlands (water-saturated areas) and shrubs appear where ice and snow once existed.

Greenland became greener as vegetation expanded, especially in the southwest and northeast.

High levels of ice loss were recorded in local areas in the west, mid-northwest and southeast.

It is noteworthy that the melting of ice is the cause of sea level rise, which may lead to the submergence of towns and cities this century.

But Greenland's shift from bright white to pale green also reduces its ability to reflect sunlight, as exposed plants and rocks absorb more of the sun's energy rather than reflecting it, increasing the risk of global warming and worsening climate change.

“Land cover responses to climate change must be measured to understand Arctic climate, manage Arctic water resources, and maintain the health and livelihoods of communities there, for sustainable economic development,” the scientists say in their paper published in the journal Scientific Reports.

Here time stops

Here time stops

As humanity moves at a rapid pace in various fields and its eyes and spacecraft monitor distant planets, suddenly in 2007 members of a primitive tribe appeared for the first time in an area in the Amazon Basin in Peru.

Members of this unknown group, which lived in the interior of the Amazon in complete isolation, were seen for the first time on the bank of the Madre de Dios River, located in the Amazon Basin near the town of Chipitiari in southeastern Peru.

The members of this primitive tribe, which was called "Mashko Peru", were naked with their men, women and children, and the men carried primitive weapons such as bows, arrows and spears.

Here time stops
The discovery was made when a non-governmental organization concerned with environmental protection was conducting a helicopter surveillance operation in the Amazon Basin at the time, searching for illegal forest loggers.

After the spread of confirmed reports of the repeated appearance of members of this unknown tribe, the government in Peru quickly imposed a ban on the contact of the local Indian population who live in the region with them, for fear of their exposure to diseases and epidemics, because their complete isolation makes their natural immunity weak in the face of known diseases that occur. Other indigenous ethnic groups have gained immunity to them, especially to viral infections and common respiratory diseases including influenza.

The lesson was in another isolated Peruvian tribe called the Morunahua, most of whose members, who came into contact with forest loggers in the mid-1990s, became extinct.

Here time stops
In these remote areas of Peru, a small number of indigenous people have seen members of the primitive Mashco Peruvian tribe. They report that this group lives in its own world, cut off from what is around them, and that they are hostile and do not trust the locals who wear completely different clothes and tools.

Members of this tribe live close to nature in the Amazon basin. They survive on land and sea hunting and collecting whatever fruits are available, and they try, even after their appearance, not to mix with other residents.

In the area where this isolated tribe appeared, the exact number of whose members is not yet known, and one report estimates them at about 600 people, attacks and robberies were recorded on indigenous villages, and the killing of some people, to the point that the government in Peru was forced, as a result, to evacuate the population. A village in the Andes.  

Members of this primitive tribe, during their raids on local villages, carried with them whatever tools they found in addition to pets, which caused a state of fear to spread in that region, despite the rarity of such attacks, which the local press says happen once every few years.

Anthropologist Glen Shepard believes that the reason for the attacks by members of this primitive and isolated tribe is due to fear of the outside world, while activists concerned with the rights of indigenous Indians accuse companies working in the field of oil and gas extraction in the region, and those that illegally clear forests, of forcing such These isolated tribes are on the lookout for new places of residence due to their nature-destructive activities.

Here time stops
The appearance of members of this tribe of naked primitives on the river bank has increased, and in 2014 members of this tribe were spotted more than 100 times near populated areas in southeastern Peru.

Over time, the members of this newly discovered primitive tribe stopped shooting fiery arrows at the residents’ boats sailing on the river, and a number of them began waving from the other side, asking to be provided with food, especially bananas.

The Peruvian Ministry of Culture has established a permanent center on the Alto Madre de Dios River, near the town of Cipetari, to study this tribe and communicate with its members when they appear on the riverbank.

 Government officials on a boat approach the members of this tribe when they appear and employ translators from the local Indian population who are able to understand the similarity of the languages ​​of both parties.

Primitive tribe members often ask "outsiders" to give them bananas, tools such as machetes, and sometimes admire and request the clothing of government specialists. In some cases, they do so while waving their spears and arrows threateningly, which experts attribute to a long legacy of persecution and extermination that the indigenous people of the Amazon have been subjected to since Europeans first set foot in the region.

Here time stops
The population of the Earth, whose population now exceeds eight billion people, lives their usual lives in cities, countrysides, deserts, and forests of the Earth, but this number certainly does not include members of this primitive tribe whose members appear on the river bank in southeastern Peru, asking for bananas, and once they get their goal. They quickly disappear into the depths of the jungle.


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