Gallagher: Xi Jinping will fail if he tries to invade Taiwan

Gallagher: Xi Jinping will fail if he tries to invade Taiwan

Taiwan's president-elect Lai Ching-te expressed his congratulations to Gallagher's delegation immediately after Taiwan's election and conveyed his affirmation of Taiwan's democracy, which is of great significance to Taiwan's future development and security.

Mike Gallagher, chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, led a delegation to visit Taiwan on February 22. Gallagher said during a meeting with Taiwan's president-elect Lai Ching-te that if Chinese President Xi Jinping tries to make the foolish decision to invade Taiwan, he will definitely fail. He emphasized that after Lai Qingde takes office, the United States will continue to stand firmly with Taiwan.

Gallagher leads bipartisan U.S. lawmakers to visit Taiwan from 22 to 24
Gallagher, chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee, will lead a delegation to visit Taiwan to pay attention to the situation in China after the election.
Gallagher led four cross-party delegations from the U.S. House of Representatives to visit Taiwan from the 22nd to the 24th. On the morning of the 22nd, the delegation went to the Presidential Palace in Taiwan to meet with Taiwan’s president-elect Lai Ching-te.

Lai Ching-te first thanked Gallagher's delegation for expressing congratulations to Taiwan immediately after the Taiwan election and conveying affirmation of Taiwan's democracy. Lai Ching-te said that this is of great significance to Taiwan's future development and security, and he expressed his sincere gratitude on behalf of the Taiwanese people.

After Lai Ching-te, who once claimed to be a "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker," was elected, people from all walks of life want to know whether he will continue Tsai Ing-wen's line after taking office. Lai Qingde emphasized during the meeting that the world's geopolitics is currently undergoing major changes, especially China's strong pressure on the international community in diplomacy, national defense, politics, economy and other aspects. Facing these challenges, Taiwan will not only adhere to the four principles of peace, reciprocity, democracy, and dialogue to handle cross-Strait relations, but will also strengthen its national defense and national security capabilities and convey its determination to protect Taiwan to the international community. Lai Ching-te appealed: "Please Chairman Gallagher and all members of the House of Representatives continue to firmly support Taiwan."

Gallagher: The United States will still stand firmly with Taiwan after Lai takes office

This trip is Gallagher's second visit to Taiwan. He recalled that during his last visit, he and Lai Ching-te discussed the challenges and threats posed by China to Taiwan. Lai Ching-te used a basketball game as an analogy to say that if this is a one-on-one game, China may win, but if it is a team game, Taiwan will never lose. Gallagher said that he very much agrees with this metaphor. This time he led a delegation to visit in the hope of expanding this team together to defend freedom and fight authoritarianism through cooperation.

"This cross-party visit by the US House of Representatives Select Committee on the Communist Party of China is to convey that if Chinese President Xi Jinping tries to make the extremely stupid decision to invade Taiwan, he will definitely fail." Gallagher made it clear to Lai Qingde that he has a strong position in the US Congress With a lot of support and friendship, after Lai Qingde takes office, the United States will continue to stand firmly with Taiwan.

Krishnamoorsi: The United States supports the development of U.S.-Taiwan relations across party lines

In his speech, Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), the top Democratic member of the ad hoc committee on the Chinese Communist Party, also expressed support for Lai Qingde. He emphasized that this trip wanted to convey two messages: "First, the United States across party lines strongly supports the stable development of U.S.-Taiwan relations. The formulation of the Taiwan Relations Act is to ensure the continued deepening of U.S.-Taiwan relations; second, the U.S. Congress has great trust Lai Ching-te and his leadership, the content of Lai Ching-te’s speech after he was elected was perfect, exactly what the international community and the people of Taiwan wanted to hear.”

Tsai Ing-wen: Taiwan will actively move towards the world

The visiting delegation met with President Tsai Ing-wen before meeting with Lai Ching-te. Tsai Ing-wen pointed out that this year marks the 45th anniversary of the legislation of the Taiwan Relations Act, which promotes and deepens the friendship between the United States and Taiwan. The House of Representatives' ad hoc committee on the Communist Party of China put forward a report on "Ten Policy Recommendations to Support Taiwan" last year, demonstrating the importance it attaches to Taiwan's security. She also thanked the U.S. government and Congress for continuing to assist Taiwan in strengthening its self-defense capabilities, safeguarding democracy and freedom, and safeguarding regional peace through the National Defense Authorization Act and other means.

"Taiwan is now an important and key player in global democracy and peace. We will continue to enhance our partnerships with other countries and actively go global," Tsai Ing-wen said to the visiting delegation.

Gallagher emphasizes that the United States continues to support Taiwan and China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs rebounds

At noon that day, the visiting delegation received Taiwan's Foreign Minister Joseph Wu for a luncheon at the Taipei Hotel and held a media meeting. Gallagher emphasized that the basic mission of both Democrats and Republicans is to serve peace. He also mentioned that the book "America Against America" ​​by Wang Huning, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, focuses on conflicts within American society. Gallagher said that China is trying to divide allies, partners and the free world in the United States, Taiwan and around the world, and he is very convinced that this strategy is failing: "We stand together, which is clear evidence of (the Chinese Communist Party's) failure. Regardless of "Democrats or Republicans, blue or green (Taiwan), the people of Taiwan and the people of the United States unite against authoritarian aggression."

When asked about the upcoming presidential election in the United States in November, will this affect the United States' support for Taiwan? Gallagher said: "We can say with confidence that no matter who is in the White House, the United States will continue to support Taiwan." He said that for the United States to be successful, it needs allies and partners, and the United States needs to find ways to deepen these relationships, especially This comes as the U.S. simultaneously seeks to restructure its economic relationship with China and reduce its reliance on key Chinese goods. The only feasible way is to simultaneously strengthen economic and technological partnerships with Taiwan and other places.

In response to Gallagher's statement that the United States will continue to support Taiwan no matter who is elected as the next president of the United States, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning responded at a regular press conference on Thursday, "We urge the United States to recognize the extreme nature of the Taiwan issue. complexity and sensitivity, earnestly abide by the 'One China' principle and the provisions of the three Sino-US joint communiqués, prudently and properly handle Taiwan-related issues, stop official exchanges between the United States and Taiwan, and stop sending any wrong signals to the 'Taiwan independence' separatist forces."

U.S. arms sales to Taiwan as House delegation visits Taiwan

At the press conference, the media asked, as there is increasing debate within the United States about whether to continue aiding Ukraine, do the people of Taiwan need to worry about the United States' commitment to Taiwan? Gallagher argued that unlike Ukraine, Taiwan is an island, making it more difficult to resupply in the event of conflict. The United States needs to learn from the lessons of Ukraine and apply them to the Indo-Pacific region to avoid getting into a situation where it has to fight a war. "We want peace, and while deterrence is very difficult, war is even more difficult," he stressed.

Some media mentioned that China continues to expand in the Indo-Pacific region and induces Taiwan's ally Nauru to sever diplomatic relations. Does the United States have a corresponding strategy? Gallagher said that it is necessary to ensure that the United States fulfills its arms sales commitments. Currently, there is still a delay in the delivery of US$20 billion in arms sales. This is an important step to contain China and reduce its aggressive intentions. He emphasized that in addition, the United States needs to coordinate its economic strategy with its allies and partners and develop a coordinated alliance framework to resist China's economic coercion.

At the same time as the delegation's visit, Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that it had received a formal notification from the U.S. government that the U.S. executive branch had notified Congress that it would sell Taiwan an "advanced plan to upgrade the Link-16 system" with a total value of approximately US$75 million. This is the 13th time the Joe Biden administration has announced arms sales to Taiwan since taking office in 2021.

Other members of the delegation include Rep. John Moolenaar (R-MI), Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-SD) and Rep. Moulton (R-MI). Seth Moulton, D-MA) and others.

On Thursday, members of the visiting delegation started their visit schedule without stopping. In the afternoon, they went to Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan and were received by President Han Guoyu and Vice President Jiang Qichen. Han Guoyu presented the "Long Yao Ji Qing" Spring Festival couplets as a gift, and the two sides immediately held closed-door talks. The delegation will also meet with Taiwanese political leaders and members of civil society to discuss U.S.-Taiwan relations, regional security, trade and investment, and other issues of common interest.

Agreed to work together as an alliance with the breakaway group of the New Mon State Party and the NUG

On December 14, 2023, in an area under the control of the New Mon State Party, while seeing the troops of the New Mon State Party in a military parade.
NUG officials said that the National Unity Government (NUG) and the National Unity Government (NUG), a splinter group of the Mon State Party, have agreed to continue discussions.

Politics as a strong alliance military NUG said that they agreed to meet and discuss online on February 22 for cooperation in areas such as diplomacy.

The New Mon State Party (Anti-Military Dictatorship), which is said to be a splinter group of the New Mon State Party, is also able to fight the military dictatorship and dictatorial systems once and for all. It has been announced that they discussed with NUG for the construction of a federal democratic union.

At this meeting, the leader of the New Mon State Party (anti-dictatorship) group, Naizeya, Vice Leader - 1 Naibanya Middle, Vice Team Leader 2: Major General Lai Kung and Alliance Liaison Officer Nai Bin Nya Mon, who are in charge of the Alliance Liaison Team of the National Unity Government. Daw Zin Ma Aung, Union Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defense U Naing Htoo Aung attended.

On February 14th, the New Mon Party (Anti-Military) announced that it would no longer hold talks with the military council, but would cooperate with revolutionary organizations and attack the coup army.

According to the National Ceasefire Agreement (NCA), the New Mon Party tried to find a political solution to the political problems and discussed with the military council three times, but the expected results were not achieved at all.

Since these expectations are not met, the second group leader of the New Mon State Party (Anti-Military) (1) Naybanya Le told RFA that the goal can only be achieved by fighting against the military dictator.

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