Donating blood: its benefits and conditions

Donating blood: its benefits and conditions

Many people resort to donating blood as a humanitarian act to save the lives of others, and this process is considered beneficial to the health of some, provided that it is carried out within specific conditions and procedures.
Many medical studies indicate that blood donation has positive effects on health. According to experts at the Russian Nikolaev Health Center, those who donate blood regularly have the ability to withstand blood loss more than others in emergency situations, and men who donate blood are less Prone to heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases.

Some research and studies have also shown that donating blood helps prevent atherosclerosis, gout, liver disease, and diseases related to the digestive system, improves the functioning of blood cell-producing organs, and activates the bone marrow to produce new blood cells.

Types of blood donation:
- Donating “whole blood,” which includes all blood components, including blood cells, plasma, and platelets.

-Platelet donation.

- Plasma donation.

- Red blood cell donation.

There are several conditions for the blood donation process to be safe and risk-free:

The percentage of blood donated by an adult should be between (450-500) ml, and it is possible to donate once every two months, so that the number of times the donation does not exceed 5 times a year.

- The donor must be in good health and free from infectious diseases, such as AIDS, hepatitis, and some reproductive diseases.

- The donor must not suffer from any chronic disease, such as diabetes, heart disease, or cancer.

- The donor's age should preferably be between 18-65 years.

- People with severe anemia or genetic blood diseases are prohibited from donating blood.

- Conducting compatibility tests between transfused blood units and patients’ blood to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the blood.

10 sounds made by the body that may require a visit to the doctor

From time to time, the body makes some strange, uncontrollable sounds, such as squeaking or cracking fingers, which is usually nothing to worry about.

However, experts say that the involuntary sounds your body makes may sometimes be a sign of a problem, so it would be useful to know the cause of those disturbing sounds, and when it is necessary to see a doctor.

1. Stomach rumbling

If your stomach makes a loud rumbling sound, you usually assume it's hunger. But your stomach may also make these sounds after eating, indicating that your stomach and intestines are pushing fluids and food through your digestive system, according to Harvard Health.

But if this sound is accompanied by pain, swelling, or fever, this may mean that you are suffering from a stomach infection or another problem that requires seeing a doctor.

2. Panting at night

Snoring is a very common nighttime problem and is not usually a sign of anything serious. But if you wake up gasping, or your partner is concerned that your breathing seems to stop during sleep, you may have a condition called sleep apnea.

If you are feeling symptoms such as extreme fatigue throughout the day despite getting a lot of rest, difficulty concentrating and waking up with a headache, then you need to speak to your GP, as sleep apnea can be serious and increases the likelihood of developing conditions such as high blood pressure. Blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, depression and even stroke.

3. Cracking ankles and knees

Popping and cracking in the knees and ankles can be the result of tendons snapping over the joints, shifts in fluid that pop gas bubbles, or joints moving out of their lane, said David Geer, MD, director of sports medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina. It is recommended to consult a doctor if you feel any pain, swelling, or contraction accompanying these sounds, or if you feel unable to exercise.

4. Nasal wheezing

A wheezing nose usually means you have a cold or your nose is blocked, as mucus constricts the space in your nose and air moves through it.

But if this sound begins after an injury or forcefully inserting a finger into the nose, this may be an indication of a perforation in the nasal septum, which is a hole in the wall between the nasal passages. This definitely requires a visit to the doctor.

5. Cracking of the jaw bone

Cracking and popping in the jawbone may mean that the joint or cartilage in the upper and lower jaw may be out of alignment, said James Van Es, MD, assistant professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery at the Mayo Clinic. There is no need to worry about this unless the jaw becomes locked or does not open and close completely.

6. Ringing in the ears

You may hear ringing, whistling, or buzzing in one or both ears from time to time, but you should see a doctor if you suffer from tinnitus regularly or if the condition gets worse or affects your sleep or concentration and makes you feel anxious.

The cause may be an ear infection or wax buildup, but it may also be a sign of hearing loss.

7. You hear your heartbeat in your ears

Our hearts are constantly beating, but it can be a red flag if you suddenly start hearing it in your ears.

This condition is called pulsatile tinnitus, and it is caused by a change in blood flow in the vessels near your ears.

Increased blood flow can occur when exercising strenuously or when pregnant, or suffering from severe anemia or hyperthyroidism, according to the Tinnitus UK website.

The website added that in some cases, changes in blood flow may also be caused by atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, or tumors in the head and neck. Therefore, experts recommend that anyone suffering from pulsatile tinnitus visit a doctor for diagnosis, because pulsatile tinnitus can indicate a serious health problem, such as a stroke.

8. Clicking in your throat

A clicking sound coming from your throat may be a sign of neurological diseases that affect muscle control, such as Parkinson's disease.

It can also be caused by an increase in thyroid cartilage, which the doctor can remove surgically.

You should see a doctor if you notice that your throat is clicking when you swallow, according to Marshall Smith, MD, professor of otolaryngology at the University of Utah School of Medicine.

9. An annoying and strong voice in the head

Are you sometimes surprised by a loud noise while sleeping or waking up? This may mean that you have a condition with an interesting name: exploding head syndrome.

People with the condition say the sounds sound like violent explosions, electrical currents, clapping, fireworks and lightning, according to a review published in the journal Sleep Medicine Reviews.

The British Sleep Foundation explains that these frightening attacks tend to last for only a second or two, and although they may cause sleep deprivation, they are not technically harmful to health.

10. Coughing and wheezing at the same time

We all suffer from coughs and colds at some point throughout the year. But if you notice that you are making a wheezing sound while coughing, this may mean that you have asthma, and this is why you should visit a doctor.

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