Doctor: Office workers are at risk of developing gallbladder disease

Doctor: Office workers are at risk of developing gallbladder disease

Pain in the right side of the abdomen is usually associated with gallbladder problems. What are its causes, what are the accompanying symptoms, and effective treatment methods?

According to Dr. Sergey Agapkin, gallbladder diseases are serious and require careful care and timely treatment. If a person suffers from gallbladder problems, he should consult a doctor to conduct a comprehensive examination, determine the cause, and develop a comprehensive plan for its treatment.

Causes of pain in the gallbladder:

- Stretching of the walls of the gallbladder: The accumulation of bile, its concentration, and its failure to exit the intestine, may cause pain resulting from the stretching of the walls of the gallbladder.

- Inflammation of the gallbladder: The infection can spread from the intestine to the gallbladder, causing inflammation and pain.

- Accumulation of stones in the gallbladder: Stones in the gallbladder can cause pain and even prevent the flow of bile into the intestine.

Symptoms of gallbladder disease are:

- Pain in the right side of the abdomen: Pain is often concentrated in the right hypochondrium.
- Bitterness in the mouth: A bitter taste in the mouth is a clear indication of a problem with the gallbladder sac.

- Nausea and vomiting: This feeling usually appears after eating, when the bile sac begins to contract, trying to expel bile.

- Constipation or diarrhea: Intestinal irritation due to bile can lead to such symptoms.

Groups at risk of developing gallbladder diseases:

The groups most vulnerable to these diseases are retired people, women over the age of forty, pregnant women, office workers due to a sedentary lifestyle, as well as schoolchildren due to malnutrition.

To diagnose the causes of the disease and treat it, it is recommended to perform a biochemical blood analysis to determine the level of bilirubin, ALT, and AST, as well as an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, which detects changes in the gallbladder and the presence of stones.

To treat gallbladder diseases, first of all, you must change your lifestyle, follow a partial diet, eat foods rich in dietary fiber, drink water regularly, and practice physical activity. The doctor may also prescribe medications to help relieve symptoms and prevent bile stasis.

Warning of the risk of irregular heartbeat

Dr. Alexander Sidelnikov, a specialist in cardiovascular surgery, explained that arrhythmia is not just a defect in the heart rhythm, but rather it may be a medical condition that deserves attention.

In an interview with Gazeta news, the doctor points out that arrhythmia is a pathological condition associated with an imbalance in the rhythm and sequence of contraction of the heart muscle, which appears in the form of a distorted irregular rhythm - the heart beats too quickly or, on the contrary, too slowly. There may be One-time interruptions in rhythm - extrasystole.

He says: “Arrhythmia can appear in the form of various symptoms. The first and obvious signs that can be noticed not only by a doctor, but by an ordinary person, are an irregular heartbeat (very fast or on the contrary), and it may alternate "In addition, arrhythmia is accompanied by a feeling of weakness, shortness of breath, and decreased performance. People who work in the field of intellectual work may suffer from memory impairment."

According to him, the most dangerous manifestation of arrhythmia is fainting associated with poor blood flow to the brain due to the cessation of the heartbeat or an extremely rare pulse. Sometimes fainting may occur due to a rapid heartbeat.

He points out that it has become clear in medical practice that arrhythmia may exacerbate the course of other serious diseases, such as ischemia, congenital and acquired heart defects, as well as other diseases resulting from injury to the thyroid gland and some genetic mutations. Atrial fibrillation can also lead to the formation of blood clots in the left atrium, which, if not prevented, can cause a stroke in 7 percent of cases. An irregular heartbeat may cause heart failure.

The specialist confirms that underestimating arrhythmia poses a risk to the health of the sick person and can lead to serious complications. Therefore, a doctor must be consulted to diagnose the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment, especially since current medical equipment and devices allow cardiologists and surgeons to even implant a pacemaker.


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