Determine the causes of baldness among men

Determine the causes of baldness among men

About 50-60 percent of men experience the phenomenon of baldness, which initially occurs without clear signs, but after some time it accelerates.

Professor Stanislav Ionov from the Faculty of Medicine at the Russian University of Education, in an interview with the newspaper "Izvestia", points out that a person who is prone to baldness over time will notice when he wakes up in the morning a large amount of hair on the pillow, and bald spots will appear in him.

He says: “Hair loss begins in normal cases at the age of 50 years and over, and is linked to age-related endocrine imbalance and a decrease in the level of the male hormone testosterone, which causes a decrease in the level of dihydrotestosterone and an imbalance in the formation process of hair follicles. In practice, their formation decreases or does not form at all. In cases of Age-related and endocrine baldness: Hair falls out most often at the back of the head and in the frontal part.”

According to him, a man who suffers from baldness at an early age, for example at the age of 25, is a typical example of androgenetic alopecia, which is associated with polygenic factors (changes in a number of genes, leading to an increase in testosterone and dihydrotestosterone). This leads to disruption of the redox processes in the hair follicles, and as a result, hair falls out.

He says: “Children can also suffer from baldness. The reason in this case is related to viral, bacterial or fungal diseases, which result in an autoimmune reaction of the body, where antibodies attack the body’s cells. This process also affects the hair follicles, which It leads to hair loss.”

The professor points out that the level of testosterone in the body and the causes of baldness can be discovered by conducting a simple analysis.

He says: “When the level of testosterone is low, hormonal therapy is usually prescribed, but it has been shown that this does not slow down hair loss. Laser treatment, plasma transfer or hair transplantation are considered more effective. By the way, the transplanted hair is not greatly affected by testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.”

Want to get rid of dangerous belly fat? Eat these foods and see the results!

Several studies have reported that gaining more fat in the waist area, as we age, can significantly increase the risk of various diseases.
According to Nicola Ludlam-Wren of Nic's Nutrition, visceral fat "unlike subcutaneous fat, accumulates deep within the abdominal cavities and poses health risks, including increased risks of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers."

Although it is difficult to get rid of belly fat, according to the Cleveland Clinic, there are some tricks that can work effectively, because this type of fat is metabolized faster. Experts say that your body can get rid of this fat while sweating or urinating.

With exercise and diet over two to three months, you will see effective results.

Dieting does not mean deprivation of food. To remove unwanted fat, nutrition experts recommend eating the following foods:

Eating a daily serving of fermented Korean cabbage, known as kimchi, can reduce the risk of obesity by 11%, according to a study of nearly 116,000 people in South Korea published in the journal BMJ Open.

Kimchi lovers are more likely to have a smaller waistline, thanks to live bacteria that fight obesity, the study claims.

The researchers said that kimchi is "low in calories and rich in dietary fiber, lactic acid bacteria, vitamins and polyphenols."

Lean proteins
Priya Tew, a UK-based nutritionist, says white meat, fish, lean red meat, beans and eggs are all great at helping to shed excess weight.

She added: "I cannot say that there are specific foods that can reduce or prevent belly fat, but rather it is a lifestyle. It has been proven that following a Mediterranean-style diet is beneficial for blood pressure, heart health and our overall health."

Mediterranean diet
“The Mediterranean diet can help reduce visceral fat to safe levels,” says Linus Connolly, clinical provider at Benenden Health. “This varied diet emphasizes healthy consumption of fruits, green leafy vegetables, and healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocados, and nuts, as well as "To foods rich in omega-3, such as salmon, tuna, legumes, and mackerel."

Teo also recommends eating plenty of fruits and vegetables as part of the diet, seven to nine servings per day, along with nuts, seeds and whole grains.

Some fatty foods
Nutritionist and health coach Yasmine Al-Sumait says: “Incorporating fatty fish such as salmon into the diet can be beneficial, as it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and has anti-inflammatory properties that may prevent the development of visceral fat. These healthy fats also play a role in regulating hormones and promoting Metabolic health.

Greek yogurt
Al-Sumait notes that Greek yogurt is rich in probiotics and promotes a healthy gut microbiome, which has been linked to reduced visceral fat. The probiotics found in Greek yogurt may help regulate inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity, which contributes to healthier weight distribution.

Linus Connolly explained: “You can try whole-grain foods, such as oats, whole-grain bread, brown rice and whole-grain pasta, to help reduce visceral fat. This is because soluble fiber slows down the delivery of food to the intestine, where it is broken down into fatty acids that form It is a major source of nutrition and thus leads to appetite suppression, which helps reduce visceral fat.”

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