Between myth and reality, What is the effect of genetically modified materials on health?

Between myth and reality, What is the effect of genetically modified materials on health?

Everyone notices the phrases on food packaging, such as “gluten-free,” “non-GMO,” “lactose-free,” etc. Is this the truth or is it a trick to market the products?

Dr. Alexander Myasnikov wonders, are these phrases worth paying more money for? He explains how to distinguish between health products and advertising tricks, and take care of health consciously and effectively.

He says: Gluten - The demand for gluten-free foodstuffs has increased so much in recent times that eating them has become a new trend in healthy eating. According to medical research journals, gluten can be dangerous for people with celiac disease (intolerance to the protein found in grains), as well as for people with allergies and some inflammatory bowel diseases. As for a healthy person who does not suffer from allergies, gluten does not pose any danger.

Genetically Modified Materials - Genetically modified food products are surrounded by many myths and prejudices. Many products contain genetically modified ingredients, such as soy and various vegetables and fruits. Genetic modification helps control pests, obtain new pest-resistant varieties, and ensure higher productivity. According to experts, the benefits of genetically modified foods are greater than their harms.

Cholesterol - Vegetable oils are high in calories, but they are rich in good cholesterol, which has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. We must also know that this cholesterol is necessary for the synthesis of hormones and maintaining the necessary vital processes in the body.

Lactose – Many people suffer from lactose intolerance, which can manifest itself in various forms, including irritable bowel syndrome and food allergies. In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to the presence of lactose in food products and choose alternatives.

Caffeine - About 400 mg of caffeine is considered a safe dose for humans per day. But we must know that every person has a personal response to caffeine, so we should not consume it in excess, especially if the person suffers from insomnia or other negative effects.

Why are young people more susceptible to cancer?

Dr. Kimi Ng, an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, explained that the influence of the surrounding environment and fetal and infant growth conditions leads to an increased incidence of cancer in young people.

In an interview with the Harvard Gazette, the doctor indicated that colorectal cancer is the main cause of death among men under the age of 50, followed by tumors of the central nervous system and lungs in second place. As for women under the age of 50, bowel cancer now ranks second in terms of deaths, noting that an increase in the incidence of these types of cancer is currently observed in people under the age of 50 in various regions of the world.

According to her, it is not known with certainty that there is a relationship between high rates of colorectal cancer and diet and lifestyle among young people. She points out that there is currently a trend towards a healthy lifestyle, as many people try to follow a healthy and correct diet and exercise.

The doctor points out that it has not yet been determined whether there is a relationship between exposure to the influence of the surrounding environment at an early age and an increase in the number of cancer patients. Because this effect may occur in the womb, during breastfeeding, or in early childhood, as this is evident from the results of studies indicating that breastfeeding in childhood leads to an increased risk of colorectal cancer.


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