Belarus Anti-tooth decay vaccine

Belarus Anti-tooth decay vaccine

Sergei Rubnikovich, President of the Belarusian Medical University, announced the widespread use of new methods and means in the diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases in the Republic of Belarus.

The university president, the country's chief dentist, points out that experts are working to create an anti-tooth decay vaccine as part of a new project that began this year.

He says: “At the beginning of last January, we launched a new project regarding creating a vaccine or medicines to treat tooth decay. We are working with chemists at the National Academy of Sciences to devise a vaccine or medicine that prevents the proliferation of microorganisms that cause tooth decay.”

According to him, in addition to the introduction and use of new methods for the diagnosis and treatment of various dental diseases, cellular techniques are used in the treatment of patients with diseases of the dental pulp (neurovascular bundle), and new methods for the treatment of temporomandibular diseases.

Unclear symptoms of kidney disease

Kidney disease is one of the most common diseases, affecting one in ten people. Symptoms often appear vague and similar to those of other diseases. What are these symptoms?

Dr. Mikhail Yeliseev, a nephrologist, said in an interview with Gazeta news: “Many kidney diseases initially develop with practically no symptoms, and without examining the patient, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis immediately, because their symptoms resemble the symptoms of other diseases.” And the most common kidney diseases. They are: glomerular kidney disease, renal amyloidosis, pyelonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, paraneoplastic syndrome, and kidney stones.

The doctor points out that there are unclear symptoms that indicate kidney disease that are actually symptoms of other diseases, such as shortness of breath, which appears, like edema, when there is congestion in the body. It often appears during physical activity, or in the case of hydrothorax, at rest.

According to him, dry skin, itching, weakness, fatigue, unpleasant taste in the mouth, and poor sleep are also attributed to these symptoms. The most obvious symptom of kidney disease is back pain. It can be felt on one or both sides of the spine and occurs suddenly. It can spread to the lower abdomen and thigh. Other symptoms include what is called dysuria, which appears in the form of pain, increased desire to urinate, and difficulty urinating.

He says: “Other common symptoms are a change in the color of urine. For example, the white color indicates diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, acute cystitis, urethritis, and acute and chronic renal failure. The dark yellow color indicates an increased concentration of bile acids. The red color indicates hematuria (hematuria). Hematuria) due to kidney injuries, inflammatory processes, kidney stones, paraneoplastic syndrome. Milky white color - pyuria - with secretion of pus. Brown color - indicates removal of a large amount of myoglobin. Green color - indicates severe purulent lesions of the urinary system. As for the color of the beer - it indicates cirrhosis, hepatitis, poisoning, and stones in the gallbladder.”

According to him, the obvious symptoms of kidney disease are also attributed to swelling of the extremities and face, which is caused by a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate of the kidneys, which leads to water retention in the body.

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