“An important indication of timing.” Egypt reveals rare documents about the October 1973 War

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“An important indication of timing.” Egypt reveals rare documents about the October 1973 War

The Egyptian Ministry of Defense published rare documents about the October 1973 War, months after celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the occasion, which an Egyptian military advisor considered “an important indication of the timing of publishing the documents.”

Egypt suddenly released rare documents related to the October 1973 war against Israel, which the advisor to the Nasser Higher Military Academy (affiliated with the Egyptian Ministry of Defense) interpreted as “an important indication of the timing of publishing the documents in light of a region rife with many variables.”

The Egyptian Ministry of Defense published on its website, late on Saturday evening, the documents under the title “Documents of the October 1973 War, Secrets of the War.”

The documents shed light on the "secrets of war", since the June 1967 war that resulted in Israel's occupation of Sinai (eastern Egypt), through to military strategic planning.

The documents revealed details of “the management of the 1973 war through its stages until the ceasefire,” the withdrawal of Israeli forces, and the role of the media and international and regional bodies.

In October 2023, Egypt celebrated the 50th anniversary of the 1973 war.

The Egyptian Ministry of Defense did not disclose the reason for publishing these documents after months of celebrating the October victories, which are usually popular and official inside and outside the country.

The Egyptian newspaper Al-Youm Al-Sabea (private) quoted Major General Adel Al-Omda, advisor to the Nasser Higher Military Academy (affiliated with the Egyptian Army), as an explanation of the timing of the publication.

The mayor said, "The documents issued during the period of the October War and the preparations for it carry an important significance in timing in light of a region rife with many variables."

He added that these documents "make us remember and remind others of what happened, because we tell the world that despite the circumstances at the time, we achieved what was required, and our circumstances today are better and we can do what is required at all times."

He stressed that "the release of these documents is considered a message of deterrence to the whole world and a reminder that Egypt is a strong and rational country at the same time that deals with principles and principles, and does not deal with whims and emotions. Therefore, publishing these documents makes us remind the world of what happened, and they are documents that prove the strength of the Egyptian fighter."

Cairo has renewed its rejection more than once during the past days of any Israeli attempts to invade the Palestinian city of Rafah, adjacent to the Egyptian border.

On Saturday, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi confirmed, in a phone call he received from his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, that his country rejected “the displacement of Palestinians to Egypt in any way or form,” amid French support for Cairo’s position, according to a statement by the Egyptian presidency.

The October War is also known in Egypt as the “Tenth of Ramadan” War, in Syria as the “Tishreen Liberation War,” and in Israel as the “Yom Kippur War,” launched simultaneously by the Egyptian and Syrian armed forces against Israel on the fronts of the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights. To liberate them from the Israeli occupation.
Since October 7, 2023, Israel has been waging a devastating war on the Gaza Strip, leaving tens of thousands of civilian victims, most of them children and women, in addition to an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe and massive destruction of infrastructure, which led to Tel Aviv being brought before the International Court of Justice on charges of “genocide.” ".


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