An American magazine reveals the truth about media reports that promote a worsening relationship between Biden and Netanyahu

An American magazine reveals the truth about media reports that promote a worsening relationship between Biden and Netanyahu

The American magazine "The Nation" commented in an article published yesterday, Tuesday, on the validity of the reports that said that US President Joe Biden is angry with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The author of the article, Jack Merkinson, commented on a report published by the Washington Post last Sunday in which it said that relations between Biden and Netanyahu are terrible and are following a deteriorating path that may reach the brink of estrangement more than ever before, claiming that Washington no longer views Netanyahu as an ally. They can influence it.

Merkinson said in this regard that the newspaper’s use of the expressions “estrangement” and “more than ever before” since the beginning of the war in Gaza and other terms give the reader the impression that a major shift in the administration’s position will occur soon, indicating that the average reader who has not read about the Gaza war Before the Washington Post report, it might have been assumed that a major shift was underway in the American approach to Israel's attack on Gaza.

He continued: “But the average reader who followed the coverage of Gaza during the past months can discover the type of reports that talk about the manifestations of anger that appeared in the post-October 7 period, and the type of reports such as “Behind the scenes, Biden is very angry with Netanyahu,” indicating that the problem with these reports is That it has absolutely nothing to do with the way Biden is managing the war.”

The writer emphasized that all the reports that tell us that frustration is rising, that risks have increased, that tensions have become greater, and that the rift between Biden and Netanyahu has widened, give a picture of a president who has run out of patience and that tension has reached the point of explosion. However, Biden’s policies are on the ground and the Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip continues. It caused the death of tens of thousands. These reports are refuted.

Even worse, according to the author, is that Biden and his lawmakers increased the pace of arming Israel, and even voted last Sunday on a new aid package for Ukraine and Israel as “security assistance.”

He added that Biden prevented any action in the United Nations urging a ceasefire and rejected any pressure that would undermine Israel. He also issued a presidential order that “grants the authority to quickly cut off military aid to countries that violate international protection of civilians.” However, the White House spokesman was quick to clarify that The matter does not include American support for Israel.

According to the writer, these decisions were issued at a time when Biden refused to place any conditions on American military assistance to Israel. 

He adds that while Netanyahu is preparing for a disastrous military operation in Rafah, an area that is supposed to be a safe hub, Biden has constantly expressed his dissatisfaction with the work of the war machine, stressing the need to stop it.

The writer stresses that there will be several other opportunities for journalists to abandon the idea of ​​Biden exerting any pressure on Israel, and if they want to hold Biden accountable, they should start now instead of continuing to promote the hollow fantasy about his anger and the wide breach between him and Netanyahu, time after time.

The writer concluded that with these indicators, there will be no trace of a friend’s secret anger at an ally who provides him with weapons and knows that they are used to commit violence, and this only happens in foreign policy.

Pompeo dances with Israeli soldiers on the Gaza border

Pompeo dances with Israeli soldiers on the Gaza border

A video of former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo dancing with Israeli army soldiers near the Gaza Strip went viral, in a shot that sparked widespread anger on social media.

Pompeo appeared in the video participating with a number of soldiers in a celebratory dance, and one of them gave the former minister a Golani Brigade flag, and he immediately wore it and continued dancing with the soldiers.

One person wrote: “Former US Secretary of State and CIA Director Mike Pompeo dances with Israeli soldiers near the Gaza border... playing and celebrating after the killing of 13,000 children.”

Another said: “Former Secretary of State and CIA Director Mike Pompeo made a disgusting display. As Israel undertakes the final stage of its ethnic cleansing, Mike Pompeo can be seen here dancing and celebrating what is undoubtedly a tragic and heartbreaking time for any reasonable person.”

Israeli media reported that the former American official visited soldiers of the 73rd Battalion, affiliated with the Israeli Armored Forces, where he was welcomed with singing and dancing.

Pompeo met with IDF soldiers and Israeli settlers to honor them, and said: “What happened on October 7 was so shocking and so sadistic that everyone is constantly shocked, everywhere. However, their resilience is truly inspiring. Every Israeli continues to sacrifice and give so much to the defense.” On behalf of his nation.

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