A mistake made by many that can cause bad breath

A mistake made by many that can cause bad breath

Many people suffer from bad breath, which can indicate a health problem, or it may just be related to poor oral hygiene.

According to experts, it is not enough to brush your teeth to avoid bad breath, as there is a part of the mouth that many people neglect to clean that may be responsible for this odor.

It may sound very strange, but Dr Daz Singh, chief dentist and clinical director of Ollie & Darsh Liverpool, recommends cleaning the cheeks and tongue, saying that this was one of the most common teeth cleaning mistakes he came across in the past year, in addition to neglecting the tongue, which should also be cleaned. .

Skipping these parts of the mouth when brushing can lead to bacteria buildup, causing bad breath and potential oral health problems.

He added: “Brushing your teeth is an important part of maintaining good oral hygiene, and it is important to include the tongue and inner cheeks in your oral care routine.”

The tongue and inner cheeks can contain a large number of bacteria, food particles, and dead cells. Therefore, neglecting these areas may allow bacteria to grow, contributing to bad breath, plaque formation, and other oral health problems.

Dr. Singh explained: “The majority of bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth, especially on the tongue. Cleaning or scraping the tongue helps remove the bacteria responsible for bad odors. Plaque, a sticky layer of bacteria, can accumulate on the surfaces of the teeth, tongue and inner cheeks.” Regular brushing helps remove this plaque and prevents it from hardening and turning into tartar, which may lead to gum disease and tooth decay.”

He continued: “Neglecting the inner part of the cheeks while brushing the teeth may lead to the accumulation of plaque along the gum line.” This can contribute to gingivitis and, over time, lead to more serious conditions such as periodontitis.

Comprehensive oral care includes cleaning all surfaces of the mouth. This includes the teeth, gums, tongue, and inner cheeks. Neglecting any of these parts can compromise the effectiveness of your oral hygiene routine.

When it comes to cleaning the inner cheeks and other soft tissues in the mouth, it is recommended to use a toothbrush with soft bristles, because they are gentle on the gums and soft tissues inside the mouth, reducing the risk of irritation or damage.

What happens to your life expectancy when you quit smoking?

A new analysis reveals that quitting cigarette smoking adds years to life expectancy regardless of the age at which an individual stops the bad habit.

The promising results come from observational studies in Norway, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada, where researchers tracked the health of about 1.5 million adults for 15 years.

The smokers participating in the study, between the ages of 40 and 80, lost about 12 to 13 years of their life on average compared to non-smokers. However, people who quit smoking for ten years were able to reverse the risk of all-cause death associated with their old habits.

The risk of death from diseases directly related to smoking, such as stroke, heart attack or cancer, has also been reduced.

“If a smoker can kick this addictive habit for up to a decade, he or she may live almost as long as someone who has never smoked a cigarette in their life,” says public health scientist Prabat Jha, of the Center for Global Health Research at Unity Health Toronto. ".

Researchers explain that if a person at any age stops smoking for less than 3 years, he will likely avoid losing 5 years of his life. He may also avoid losing a decade of his life if he stops smoking for a decade.

The younger the smoker decides to make this change, the better his life expectancy gains.

“Many people think it is too late to quit smoking, especially in middle age,” says Jha. “But these results contradict that thinking. It is not too late, the effect is quick and you can reduce the risks, which means a longer and better life.”

Researchers say the risk of death from lung disease was not significantly reduced among former smokers, reflecting long-term, irreversible airway damage.

However, smoking cessation is still the best option available to improve lung health and function among smokers.

The study was published in the journal NEJM Evidence.


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