A doctor offers 7 of the best foods that help you look younger

A doctor offers 7 of the best foods that help you look younger

Many believe that the best way to maintain the skin and treat skin aging problems is with creams and skin care products.
But according to skin expert Dr. Wafaa Al-Moheb, there are some foods that can enhance the appearance of your skin and help fight the signs of aging.

She said that the skin needs a wide range of nutrients to stay healthy, including:

1. Seafood for antioxidants

“When we think of antioxidants, we often think of brightly colored vegetables and fruits,” Dr. Wafa said.

She explained that seafood, such as salmon, lobster, krill and prawns, contain powerful antioxidants called the carotenoid astaxanthin.

She pointed out that the anti-inflammatory properties of astaxanthin are great for protecting the fatty membranes located deep in our skin, which helps keep it moist and vibrant.

She confirmed: “Astaxanthin has been found to be up to 6,000 times stronger than vitamin C due to its antioxidant properties. In addition, studies have found that it can help treat skin deterioration caused by UV rays or sun damage, perhaps due to its powerful antioxidant activity.” for oxidation.

2. Citrus fruits and leafy vegetables because they contain vitamin C

Although it is less powerful than astaxanthin when it comes to its antioxidant properties, vitamin C plays an essential role in collagen formation, she said.

She added that the antioxidant properties found in these nutrients can also help neutralize free radicals that can damage skin cells and contribute to premature aging.

She advises: “To ensure you get enough vitamin C in your diet, eat citrus fruits and plenty of leafy vegetables, such as spinach and kale.”

3. Poultry for zinc

She explained: “Enhancing immunity, revitalizing, and improving mood, zinc is included in any important organ in the body. The skin is no exception, and zinc appears to work uniquely to inhibit the appearance of spots by helping to balance hormones and return testosterone levels to normal, and zinc is also necessary.” To produce collagen, which heals the skin after spots or small scars appear.

Eating chicken, turkey, duck, or goose is a good way to get zinc from your diet. But if you are a vegetarian, you can also get zinc from sunflower or pumpkin seeds.

4. Eggs for biotin

Biotin is a B vitamin, also known as vitamin B7. The doctor explained that once your body gets enough of the water-soluble vitamin, any excess is excreted through urine, “Therefore, increasing biotin in your diet is generally safe.”

But not getting enough biotin "can lead to brittle nails and hair, flaky skin and dry eyes."

She recommends choosing eggs to increase biotin from the diet. Fully cooked eggs can provide about 27% of the recommended daily amount of biotin.

5. Avocado for vitamin E

She said that avocados are rich in healthy fats and vitamin E, which helps moisturize the skin and prevent water loss.

She explained: “By maintaining the skin’s natural moisture balance, this contributes to smoother skin. Vitamin E is also a powerful antioxidant, which helps defend the skin against oxidative stress that occurs when our bodies produce high levels of molecules that may "By helping to neutralize free radicals in the skin, antioxidants like Vitamin E in avocados help protect the skin from these harmful effects."

6. Nuts because they contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

The doctor explained that nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, salmon, chia seeds, and flax seeds, which contain essential fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6, can help reduce inflammation in the intestines and skin, and these acids can regulate the production of skin oil, improve skin hydration, and reduce the appearance of fine lines. .

7. Drink plenty of water to hydrate

Health experts are always talking about how important water is in making a real difference in the appearance of your skin.

According to the doctor: “Water is like fertilizer for your skin. When the skin lacks moisture, fine lines and wrinkles may appear more clearly, and rough and scaly patches may appear on dry skin.” So making sure to drink a sufficient amount (about eight to 10 cups a day) can help give the skin softness and smoothness, as well as support collagen formation.

The main causes of nosebleeds

Nosebleeds can be due to a local injury to the nose or the result of a pathological infection in other organs and systems in the body.

In an interview with Gazeta news, Dr. Asiyat Zherkoeva, an otolaryngologist, points out that blood flows in large quantities to the nasal mucosa, especially to the Kisselbach area, in the lower anterior part of the nasal septum, and 90 percent of nosebleeds occur in this area.

According to her, cold and dry air is one of the factors causing nosebleeds. Because it leads to dryness of the mucous membrane, which increases the fragility of the blood vessel walls, especially when sneezing, rubbing, or blowing the nose.

She says: "Other local causes are bruises and injuries to the nose, including due to not clearing the nose of mucus properly; improper use of nasal sprays (directed at the septum); rhinitis (allergic, medical, atrophic); postoperative bleeding." Formations of the nasal cavity and sinuses; deviated nasal septum; foreign body in the nasal cavity; and exposure to chemical irritants.”

It indicates that the pathological causes are high blood pressure; Blood diseases and poor clotting (hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, leukemia); pregnancy; Telangiectasia (Rindau-Osler disease); Liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis).

She says: “A common cause of nosebleeds is a lack of vitamins such as: a deficiency of vitamin C, vitamin A (plays an important role in nourishing the epithelium of the nasal mucosa), and vitamin K (participates in the blood clotting process). Therefore, it is important for people who exercise to monitor the level of This vitamin.

In addition, nosebleeds can occur against the background of physical stress and overheating of the body due to exposure to sunstroke. It may also be due to taking anticoagulant medications and medications containing aspirin.

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