What role will the Uyghur play in the US-China rivalry in the Middle East?

What role will the Uyghur play in the US-China rivalry in the Middle East?

It is known that China has been trying to expand its sphere of influence in the Middle East for many years, and the Muslim countries in the Middle East have been turning a blind eye to the genocide against Chinese Uyghurs. In the Israel-Hamas conflict that began with the attack of Hamas armed forces on Israel on October 7 last year, the United States supported Israel, while China supported Hamas and won the favor of the majority of Muslims, posing a great challenge to the position and influence of the United States in the Middle East. What role might the Uyghurs, who are part of the Muslim world, play in the power struggle of these major countries in the Middle East?

In a recent article published in the US newspaper "The Hill", it is said that the Uyghurs will play an important role in curbing China's growing influence in the Middle East.

In this article, "China is making progress in the Middle East, and Uyghurs may play a key role in stopping it", published on the website of this newspaper, which publishes more news about the US State Congress, it exposes the secrets of communist China, namely China's hostility to Islam and the genocide it is carrying out against Uyghurs. It is said that by continuing to report the crime to Middle Eastern countries, Muslims in the region should raise awareness of China, weaken their love for China, and limit China's authority and influence in the region.

Ilshat Hasan, a political observer in the United States, told our radio about this, that the Middle East Muslims are mostly aware of China's crimes, so it will not be very effective.

The article states: "The covert genocide against the Uyghurs and other Muslim ethnic groups in Xinjiang is the worst persecution of Muslims by foreigners (non-Muslims) since the Yugoslav Wars. China is now accusing the Israeli military of "massacring innocent Muslims". However, the genocide in China remains a secret. Governments in the Middle East strictly censor news about Uyghurs in order to avoid conflict with China, and newspapers and other media do not mention the issue at all. In June last year, representatives of the Arab League visited Xinjiang and concluded that the report on the genocide was false. That month, when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas visited Beijing, China expressed its support for Xinjiang's policy.

Mustafa Akiol, who is doing research on Islam and modernity at the Cato Institute in the United States, said that China is using Israel's revenge operation in Gaza today to tell the Islamic world that ``the Western world is the enemy of Muslims; China is a friend of Muslims, and it is sending a signal that closer relations should be established between Islamic countries and China. "China is certainly doing two hundred things here," he said. We know what China thinks about Muslims and Islam from its genocide of Uyghurs. This oppression has been exposed to the world, and China is trying to hide it by bringing up other issues and trying to gain favor in the Islamic world. The Muslim world should not be fooled by this and should not give up supporting the Uyghur cause. But as long as the United States and Western countries continue to help Israel, China's propaganda in the Middle East will be easier, and the Islamic world will be angry at the Western world's double standards, and then China and Russia will become closer, which is inevitable."

The article published in "The Hill" newspaper also stated that it will not be easy for the United States to get the support of the Arab and Turkish peoples, but it can take away the prestige and influence that China has lost in the Middle East due to its support for Israel. The article says: "In order to prevent China from becoming a major foreign power and leader in the Middle East, the United States should show the name ``China'' as the same name as ``genocide'' in the eyes of Middle Eastern countries; To this end, the US Department of State should develop a plan to disseminate information about China's crimes, meet with local media and non-governmental organizations in the Middle East, and increase US global media sources. People in charge of public diplomacy should provide information to local influential figures, especially Internet stars, because their messages can be widely disseminated and influential. "Most importantly, senior government officials should mention the genocide in their visits and public speeches in the Middle East."

Mr. Gordon Chang, an American situation analyst, continues on this matter and says: "Certainly, China's genocidal policy against Uyghurs and other Turkic ethnic groups will be strongly broadcast to the world, which will reduce the Middle East's support for China. But be that as it may, the United States must participate in this struggle, because we are a country that signed the 1948 UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. According to Article 1 of the Constitution, we must use all our power to stop and punish this terrible crime in China."

American political analyst Anders Kor sent a written response to our radio about this, "The United States must continue to emphasize the genocide of the Uyghurs to Muslims around the world. But if the United States does not take measures to protect the innocent civilians who are being bombed in Gaza, it will also sound like nonsense.

The article presents two factors that can prevent the United States from weakening China's influence in the Middle East through propaganda and diplomacy; One is Turkey, a potentially offensive US ally, and the other is America's dysfunctional public diplomacy. Although Turkey is an ally of the United States in NATO, it opposes the US aid to Israel. The article argues that US public diplomacy is currently in a weak state, and in order to strengthen it, it is necessary for the US to regain its Cold War-era propaganda power. In such a situation, the best way is for the United States to negotiate with the Middle East countries on the Uyghur issue, so that China's policies in Xinjiang can be softened and the situation of Muslims who are oppressed there can be improved.

Mustafa Akyol expressed the need for the United States to reconsider its Palestinian policy in order to help the Uyghur Muslims and said: "To the United States, especially the United States government, if you continue to pursue a foreign policy that does not care about the lives of Palestinians, but only helps Israel's strategic plan, not only the Islamic world, but the third You will also lose the nations of the world, you should know that.'' The United States should not help Israel, but should control it and implement a policy to resolve conflicts. Only then will America gain the respect of the Islamic world, and China's misleading propaganda in the Middle East will not have much effect."

Mr. Ilshat Hasan also said that the United States should first resolve the Israel-Palestine issue in order to weaken China's influence in the Middle East.

The military council left the three camps that had been stationed for nearly thirty years : Myanmar

On January 27, the KNU center announced that the military council troops had abandoned three military camps that had been stationed in the territory controlled by the Karen National Union (KNU) for 28 years in Taung Ngu District, Baguio.

Kyushu Mountain Camp, where the KMA-528 and KMA-593 units of the Infantry Battalion under the command headquarters of the Operations Command SKA-20 were stationed. He left the Busakhi camp and the Udmupo Soe camps.

The military council troops left the camp one by one from January 13 to 15, the KNU said.

On January 20, KNU troops burned down all three camps that the military council troops had left.

The KNU statement said that the camps were abandoned because the KNU troops cut off and blocked the food supply routes to these camps.

Military council troops have been stationed in these camps since 1995.

A report released by the Karen Peace Support Network in September 2023 stated that KNU had taken over 62 military council camps from the coup to July 2023.

PVMBG warns of the potential threat of an eruption of Mount Lewotobi Laki

Wulanggitang - The Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG) reminds the public about the potential threat of an eruption of Mount Lewotobi Laki in East Flores, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), which still has level IV or Alert status.

"It's true, the potential threat is still there, lava deposits on the surface are still there and avalanches or hot clouds are still occurring," said the Head of the Mount Lewotobi Laki Eruption Emergency Response Team PVMBG Kushendratno at the Mount Lewotobi Laki Observation Post, Wulanggitang, Sunday.

He explained that the latest volcanic developments still record eruptive activity, avalanches, hot cloud avalanches, gusts and hybrid earthquakes .

Apart from that, volcanic earthquakes are still being recorded, which indicates that there is still a supply of magma to the surface.

Lava deposits were also observed on the surface, but it could not be confirmed as a lava dome or just lava deposits.

"Activity is still high. So we still maintain the status at Alert level," he said.

He stated that the recommendations for the community issued by PVMBG were not to carry out activities within a radius of five kilometers from the center of the eruption and a sector of six kilometers to the northeast.

The public must also be aware of the potential for rain lava floods in rivers that originate at mountain peaks if high intensity rain occurs.

"So, for this Watch status, the potential danger is still the same, we will wait next week to see if there is another evaluation of the status of this mountain," he said.


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