The Pentagon positively assesses the impact of the raids against the Houthis

The Pentagon positively assesses the impact of the raids against the Houthis

Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder said that initial assessments indicate that the attack on Houthi targets in Yemen achieved "good results."

“We are still conducting damage assessments, but initial indications show that the attack had a good effect,” Ryder told CBS.

He pointed out that the United States and the United Kingdom received support from Australia, Bahrain, Canada and the Netherlands.

He added that the United States has not yet recorded any retaliatory responses by the Houthis, but he stressed Washington's readiness to respond.

On Friday night, the United States and Britain carried out 23 air strikes on targets in four Yemeni governorates, namely the capital, Sanaa, Hodeidah, Taiz, and Saada.

The Pentagon indicated that the United States carried out the attack in coordination with its partners.

For their part, the Houthis said they carried out retaliatory attacks on American and British military bases and installations.

US President Joe Biden justified the strikes as a response to the threat to freedom of navigation in the Red Sea, and claimed that the Houthis launched 27 attacks targeting commercial ships from more than 50 countries.

On January 9, the movement launched its largest attack against American warships.

Since 2014, Yemen has witnessed an armed confrontation between the Ansar Allah movement (Houthis), who control power in the capital, Sanaa, and forces affiliated with the internationally recognized government, supported by the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia.

Gilad Erdan: The United Nations should appear before the Hague Tribunal, not Israel

Gilad Erdan: The United Nations should appear before the Hague Tribunal, not Israel

The Israeli Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, said today, Friday, that this international organization is the one that should be accused before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, not Israel.

He added: “The use of the Genocide Convention against the Jewish state proves that there is no moral humiliation to which the United Nations has not stooped It is the United Nations that should be tried in The Hague on charges of turning a blind eye and thus complicity in digging terrorist tunnels in Gaza, and using International aid for the production of rockets and missiles, and in promoting hatred and killing.”

Earlier today, Israel submitted its response to the lawsuit filed against it by South Africa, in the second session of the International Court of Justice regarding its accusation of committing genocide crimes in Gaza.

Israel's legal team called on the International Court of Justice to "reject South Africa's request to take emergency measures against Israel," considering that "the existing facts do not call for the application of the precautionary measures demanded by South Africa."

In turn, lawyer Malcolm Shaw said, "Contrary to what the South African team claimed, Israel has no intention of annihilating the Palestinian people. Rather, it was defending itself after the events of October 7."

Yesterday, the court heard from the South African team headed by the country's Minister of Justice, which presented its documents in its lawsuit filed against Israel.

During the session yesterday, Thursday, the South African legal team pointed out that “the Palestinians are subjected to non-stop bombardment wherever they go and are killed everywhere they turn,” and that “Israel’s actions indicate an intention to commit genocide, and this intention is rooted in its conviction that the enemy is not Hamas, but a fabric.” Life of Palestinians in Gaza.

The  Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs attacked South Africa,  considering that it plays the role of “the judicial arm in the service of the Hamas movement,” while  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused South Africa of “hypocrisy ,” considering that “we are facing an upside-down world, as Israel is accused of committing genocide while it is fighting Genocide".

Last month, South Africa submitted a complaint to the International Court of Justice, saying that Israel is violating the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, signed in 1948 following the Holocaust during World War II.

South Africa is seeking the Court of Justice to impose “interim measures”, which are urgent judicial orders to be applied while it considers the merits of the case, which could take years.

South Africa has the right to prosecute Israel before the International Court of Justice, as the two countries signed the Genocide Convention.

South African Justice Minister Ronald Lamola said Thursday before the judges that Israel had “crossed the lines” and violated the agreement, stressing that “no armed attack on the territory of a state, no matter how dangerous, can provide any justification for violations of the agreement.”

Adila Hashim, a lawyer from the South African delegation, said: “Genocides are not announced in advance, but before this court is evidence collected over the past 13 weeks that shows without a doubt a pattern of behavior and intentions that justify a reasonable allegation of genocide.”


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