Taiwan Election : Results of the 2024 Taiwan general election

Taiwan Election  : Results of the 2024 Taiwan general election

Taiwan Election : Lai Qingde thanks the Chinese people for cherishing the democratic system and emphasizes that he will maintain the status quo across the Taiwan Strait without being humble or overbearing.

The results of the 2024 Taiwan general election gradually became clear at around 6 pm. Lai Xiaopei of the Democratic Progressive Party was far ahead and was finally elected as the president and vice president with 5.58 million votes. "Breaking the 8-year curse", he also became the first elected president in Taiwan's democratic elections. A political party can win the presidency three times but only get 40% of the votes. In his victory speech, Lai Ching-te said that the election results were spread around the world, proving that Taiwan is on the side of democracy; on cross-strait issues, he expressed his hope to return to healthy and orderly exchanges. Many Hong Kong people came to support outside the Democratic Progressive Party's campaign headquarters. They were relieved when they learned that the Democratic Progressive Party had won the election. 

The atmosphere outside the Democratic Progressive Party's campaign headquarters was high all night. When they announced their victory, the atmosphere reached its climax. Lai Qingde thanked the supporters for their vote and said: "Finally, we have come here together. Thank you for using your incomparable courage to persist until the last moment. We have defended our democracy and our victory, right?" 

He also shouted to China: "This election campaign has allowed the world to see the Taiwanese people's insistence on democracy. I hope the other side of the Taiwan Strait can fully understand such a voice. Only 'peace, equality, democracy, and dialogue' are the best." It is in the interests of the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and is the only way out for a win-win situation." 

At the international press conference, he also reiterated his hope that both sides of the Taiwan Strait can return to healthy and orderly exchanges in the future, but at the same time hoped that China would respond positively. 

Lai Ching-te: "President Tsai Ing-wen has continued to show goodwill for 8 years. It is a pity that China has not given a proper response. China also has a responsibility. Let us work together to promote cross-strait stability and development. "

After learning that Lai Ching-te had won the election, cheers continued. Everyone shouted "Lai Ching-de" and waved the flag "The right person chooses the right way to go", and some shed tears. This is completely different from the defeat of Minister of Defense and Welfare Chen Shih-chung as Taipei mayor in the nine-in-one election a year ago.

Chinese: I will fight with Taiwanese against China 

The Chinese who have been in Taiwan for more than 20 years do so and cherish Taiwan's democracy and freedom. 

Quezun said: "The Democratic Progressive Party's democracy and freedom are truly an example for the whole world. If China wants to invade Taiwan one day, I will fight with the Taiwanese people against China, because China is not a democratic and free country, but a totalitarian dictatorship. s country." 

In addition to local supporters, Cantonese was heard from time to time. Ruipin (pseudonym), a Hong Kong resident in exile in Taiwan, feels that in terms of cross-strait policies, Lai Ching-te's election makes him relatively reassured. However, he thinks that the policy of special assistance to Hong Kong people needs to be observed. Ruipin said: "Different factions may have different considerations. We have to wait and see in the future. It is still unknown what will happen in the next four years." 

Hong Kong people in exile in Taiwan are thankful that the DPP was elected and will continue to protect Taiwan 

As for the Hong Kong exile who went to Tong (Tang Weixiong), he brought the "Light Time" flag to the scene, attracting many Taiwanese and Hong Kong people to cheer him up and check in. "The only one who can defend Taiwan is actually the Green Camp. At least they will resist China's infiltration, and they will really defend Taiwan and not let the democracy here collapse," said Fu Tang. 

Former Hong Kong District Councilor Chen Jialang believes that this is the right choice for the Taiwanese people, but he has another worry and believes that Lai Xiaopei's road will not be easy in the future. Chen Jialang said: "The number of votes and the vote rate are actually just the president's basic base. The Congress has also lost so many (seats) and almost made peace with the opposition party. In fact, this is a warning sign."

In this election, Lai Ching-te's vote count was clearly out as early as 6 o'clock. About an hour later, the host of the DPP conference directly called Lai Ching-te the president. They will welcome victory. Until 8 p.m., Hou Youyi took the lead in bowing to his supporters to apologize for not being able to "change political parties." Later, Ke Wenzhe also announced his defeat and congratulated Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin. 

Arakan and Chin border Palatwa occupied by Rakhine army AA : Myanmar

Rakhine State and Chin State's border Palatwa was captured by Rakhine Army AA at 3 pm yesterday.

2023 On November 13, the operation in the Palatwa region began, and after several weeks of intense fighting with the military council, it was captured.

Military Council Township Administration Office on Palatwa City Municipal office police station The AA also posted photos of the AA flag being hoisted at the fire and fitness party offices on social media.

Before the start of the offensive, the military council in Rakhine and Palatwa region, AA reported that the base camps were surrounded and cut off and attacked one by one.

Military council camps are armed with armored cars, He said that they were also able to seize multiple rocket launchers and ammunition.


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