"On the Texas border"An American journalist warns against repeating the "trap" of storming the Capitol

"On the Texas border"An American journalist warns against repeating the "trap" of storming the Capitol

American journalist Tomi Lahren warned against the authorities setting a “trap” for Americans, such as luring people to besiege the Capitol in 2021, and stressed that her fellow journalists should not also be drawn into this plot.
Lahren wrote in her account on the “X” website: “American citizens should not decide the matter with immigrants in Texas on their own, so as not to fall into the trap of the authorities.”

She added: "I agree that the situation at the border is out of control, but it is important that Texas and the National Guard deal with this issue. Americans concerned about this issue should not try to reach the border. It is just a trap."

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According to her opinion, the American authorities “will arrange the incident of January 6 (the siege and storming of the Capitol building).”

She stressed that if people are about to come to the border, "I call on my colleagues not to do so."

It is noteworthy that on January 6, 2021, supporters of Donald Trump attacked the Capitol building, disrupting the work of Congress for several hours.

After expelling the demonstrators from the building , lawmakers confirmed Joe Biden's victory in the presidential elections. Hundreds of Americans were subsequently arrested on charges related to their participation in that attack. Some of them described the incident as a “plot” in order to organize a psychological operation against Trump.

Earlier, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced the "invasion" of migrants and the need to take measures to "protect themselves." The US administration also describes the behavior of the Texas authorities as "unconstitutional and using negligent methods."

United States: Increased warning of rape on cruise ships

In the United States, the warning level for rape on cruise ships has increased and 131 incidents were reported in 2023 compared to 87 in 2022 and 101 in 2019, before the Corona pandemic.
These figures were based on FBI statistics, and during this January, MS Cruises was sued for two alleged sexual crimes on board two separate cruises. Note that the pandemic paralyzed the tourism sector for nearly two years.

One lawsuit involved a crew member raping a passenger, and the other accused the company of failing to protect an underage girl from being harassed in the bathroom. According to what was reported by Fox News .

For its part, MSC Cruises said in an email statement that the company is “unable to comment on the specific legal issues currently being considered.” “However, we take any allegations of assault on board our ships very seriously,” she explained.

In turn, experts warn that the actual number of accidents is likely to be much higher. Nationally, 2 out of every 3 sexual assaults go unreported, according to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, and the Cruise Ship Safety and Security Act of 2010 does not protect non-US citizens.


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