How do we get vitamin D in winter?

How do we get vitamin D in winter?

Dr. Yekaterina Yang, an endocrinologist, explained why vitamin D is beneficial and necessary for the body, and how to obtain a sufficient amount of it in the winter.

According to her, vitamin D is synthesized in the human body under the influence of ultraviolet rays, but in winter the days are short.

She says: “Vitamin D deficiency negatively affects the body. Therefore, its low level greatly affects health, causing frequent colds, sleep disturbance, bad mood, and weight changes.”

According to her, vitamin D deficiency slows down the metabolism, causes a weak immune system, brain dysfunction, and slows the absorption of mineral elements necessary for healthy teeth and bones.

To maintain a good level of vitamin D, the doctor advises eating fish, fish oil, seafood, eggs, butter, and cheese. To improve the process of vitamin synthesis in the body, it is recommended to eat foods rich in magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin K2, and to reduce the amount of sugar in the diet because it weakens the process of vitamin synthesis in the body.

Daily naps can slow brain shrinkage as you age

A recent study found that taking a short nap during the day may be associated with increased overall brain volume.

As we age, the size and weight of our brains shrink by about 5% every decade after age 40, and perhaps even faster after age 70, contributing to changes in cognitive function that come with aging, according to the National Institutes of Health. But the new study found that taking a quick nap can help.

Specifically, the researchers found an association between a genetic predisposition to daytime naps and larger brain size equivalent to 2.6 to 6.5 years younger on average, compared to non-nappers, although there was no relationship with cognitive performance such as reaction times.

“Our findings suggest that, for some people, short daytime naps may be part of the puzzle that can help maintain brain health as we age,” Dr. Victoria Garfield, the study's senior author, said in a statement.

Researchers from University College London and the University of the Republic of Uruguay analyzed health and cognitive function outcomes between those with a genetic predisposition to wanting to nap and those who do not.

The team used Mendelian randomization, which "examines how certain behaviors, environments, or other factors lead to specific health outcomes by looking at genetic variations that affect the way people's bodies react to the behavior, environment, or other factors," according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of which.

“By looking at genes determined at birth, Mendelian randomization avoids confounding factors that occur throughout life that may influence the association between napping and health outcomes,” lead researcher Valentina Paz explained in a statement.

She noted that the study was able to find an "unofficial link" to show that napping directly led to an increase in overall brain volume.

However, the researchers note that all participants were white of European descent, which means the results may not hold true for other ethnicities.

But this study is not the first to prove the benefits of napping. Previous research has found that taking a 20- to 30-minute nap can boost alertness, mood, and memory and reduce stress while avoiding sluggishness, according to the Sleep Foundation.

Experts have claimed that napping can make you a better employee and a better parent.

The study was published in the journal Sleep Health.


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