Discover four new species of octopus in the "deep sea paradise"!

Discover four new species of octopus in the "deep sea paradise"!

Large numbers of pearly octopuses nest 2,800 meters deep in the ocean off the coast of Costa Rica.
The site was discovered at Tengosed Seamount, a rare octopus nursery located far in the dark depths of the sea, in a place usually considered too cold for sensitive cephalopods.

However, the warmth provided by volcanic seamounts creates ideal nesting temperatures for a number of different octopus species.

In fact, the swarming process is so diverse that scientists have now identified four previously unknown octopus species.

“Through hard work, our team discovered new hydrothermal springs off the coast of Costa Rica and confirmed that they host unique biodiversity,” says oceanographer Beth Orcutt of the Bigelow Oceanographic Laboratory.

This discovery and subsequent observing missions were not made by humans personally. Instead, a remotely operated underwater vehicle, R/V Falkor, made repeated dives into the octopus pool and collected extensive images.

There is a lot we do not know about the depths of the oceans. Other discoveries include hydrothermal regions separated by relatively short distances, but with different temperatures and chemistry.

Warning! The Earth is exposed to a magnetic storm

Experts at the Solar Astronomy Laboratory of the Space Research Institute and the Institute of Helio-Terrestrial Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences expect that the Earth will be exposed to a new magnetic storm on January 23.

According to experts’ expectations, the peak of the magnetic storm will be at six o’clock in the morning on Tuesday, January 23, and at 12 noon on the same day, but it will be weak from the G1 level (the highest level is G5). However, it can affect the health condition of people who are sensitive to weather changes.
It should be noted that laboratory experts had previously announced that the strongest flare in the current solar cycle occurred on the night of January 1, 2024 (X5.0 degrees, which is approximately twice the degree of the X2.8 flare that occurred on December 14, 2023, which was until The strongest night is January 1, 2024.
It is noteworthy that the strongest sun flare (X8.2) was recorded on September 10, 2017.

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