Algerian Health refutes statements related to the emergence of “Covid-19” cases

Algerian Health refutes statements related to the emergence of “Covid-19” cases

This evening, the Algerian Ministry of Health refuted statements attributed to a medical professor in the capital, stating that “Covid-19” cases have appeared, have a major impact on citizens, and are spreading very quickly among them.

The Ministry of Health explained in a statement: “Some social media sites circulated false statements attributed to one of the medical professors in the capital, stating that Covid cases have appeared that have a significant impact on citizens and are spreading very quickly among them, which raised questions among some of them.”

The statement added: “In this regard, the Ministry of Health knows that these statements do not exist at all and that they were not issued by this professor at all nor by any body authorized to do so.”

The Ministry of Health confirmed: “The Ministry informs all citizens that the situation is very normal and that only one or two cases of Covid-19 infection have been recorded daily.”

The Ministry of Health also called on everyone "not to take into account these statements and information that are baseless and whose only purpose is to cause panic among citizens." 

Al-Burhan: There is no reconciliation or agreement with the “Rapid Support”

Al-Burhan: There is no reconciliation or agreement with the “Rapid Support”

The head of the Sovereignty Council in Sudan, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, said that there is no reconciliation or agreement with the Rapid Support Forces.

Al-Burhan added yesterday, Friday, in front of a number of officers and soldiers in the city of Jebit: “I salute the popular resistance and we will take the initiative to arm and organize it so that it can defend itself, its homeland, and its property against the rebels under the command of the armed forces,” adding: “The militia is fighting the Sudanese people, not the army. It kills, violates honor, and loots.” Money and property and pay lip service to democracy.”

He said: "There is no negotiation with those who fight the Sudanese and rape free women, and we will defeat them, sooner or later. We extend our hands to every sincere effort to stop the war, but whoever wants to kill and plunder in the name of false legitimacy, we will not allow him."

He continued: "Whoever supports those who kill, rape, plunder, sabotage and destroy will not find any legitimacy or recognition from us. The entire Sudanese people stand with the state and their armed forces and bear arms to defend the homeland, and we will not hesitate to train and arm everyone capable of carrying weapons."

He stressed that "every citizen has the right to defend himself, his home, his money, and his honor, because the mercenaries targeted citizens, plundered their property, displaced them from their homes, and fought them with all humility."

He added: "The leader of the rebellion falsely claims religiosity and believes in quackery and sorcery. He kills innocents, sheds blood, violates honor, loots property, displaces millions of innocent citizens, and deceives the simple."

He continued: "The leader of the Al-Dagalo terrorist militia did not leave a name that he did not assume... and he called himself (Adam Al-Sayer) and claims that angels are fighting with his rebels and plundering mercenaries who rape and plunder on an ethnic basis."

He pointed out that “the leader of the Al-Dagalo terrorist militia fled the field for eight months and kept moving from basement to hole and changing his name and was unable to appear all this period. We are present among our soldiers, fighting with them, and we do not know how to hide. We appear in public every day and we did not flee like the leaders of the rebellion, and there is no solution until after.” To return his mercenaries to where they came from.”

He concluded: "Some politicians sit with the mercenary leader and laugh at him even though he killed their families, occupied their homes, raped their women, and did evil to them and their families."

The Coordination of Democratic Civilian Forces in Sudan recently signed a joint political declaration with the Rapid Support Forces that includes understandings, including the formation of a “joint committee to end the war.”

Since mid-April 2023, the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces have been fighting a war that has left more than 12,000 dead and 6 million displaced and refugees  , according to the United Nations.


  1. It's emphasizing the need for unity against internal strife and external challenges.

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