A new fatwa regarding the dollar in Egypt

A new fatwa regarding the dollar in Egypt

The Mufti of Egypt, Shawqi Allam, said that monopoly is forbidden in food because the noble Sharia forbade monopoly and prohibited restrictions on people.

He explained during his weekly interview on the program “The Fatwa Has a Story” with the journalist Sherif Fouad on Al-Nas TV channel that it is legally stipulated that: “There is no harm or harm.” This is a jurisprudential rule among the major rules upon which most of the rulings of jurisprudence revolve, and the basis of this rule is what has been proven from The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “There is neither harm nor harm,” in addition to the fact that Sharia forbids harm to a person, and makes it a crime to cause harm to him by various means. If it occurs, it must be removed and removed based on the tolerant provisions of Sharia, which stipulate that harm be removed.

He pointed out that there is no disagreement among jurists that monopoly is forbidden in food, as the noble Sharia has forbidden and forbidden monopoly, and the legal texts indicate that monopoly is one of the greatest sins. The reports included cursing the monopolist and threatening him with severe punishment in the afterlife, and he was also described as a sinner, according to what the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said. May God bless him and grant him peace: “No one monopolizes except a sinner” and other evidence.

His Eminence the Mufti added that the monopolist is unscrupulous and sinful if he intends to withhold goods from the hands of people in order to harm them so that they become difficult to obtain and their value increases. Thus, monopolists obtain exorbitant profits without fair commercial competition, and it is one of the most restrictive and harmful goods. The goods in which monopoly occurs are all that people are harmed by withholding, and there is no objection to the state taking measures to prevent monopoly. In addition, the money earned from monopoly is undoubtedly money earned from what is forbidden and a crime, because monopoly is a crime and unlawfully consuming people’s money. This monopolist should know that before he repents, he must return the people’s money that he took from them illegally.
In response to a question about the ruling on monopolizing foreign currency to sell it at a higher price, and whether it falls within forbidden monopoly. The Mufti of the Republic said: “Yes, this falls under the category of monopoly, which is forbidden by law, and it is also criminalized by law, and the perpetrator of this act is committing a grave sin because it restricts the general public through the rise in prices of goods, services, and life’s requirements due to the scarcity of currency, thus causing harm to the country’s economy, and negatively affecting the country’s economy.” stability and the process of construction and development, and puts the needy in hardship and embarrassment.”

He stressed that it is not permissible to deal in foreign exchange except through approved banks and exchange companies licensed for this type of dealing, and money earned from what is known as “black market trade” is not good earning.

Egypt expresses its concern about the air strikes on Yemen and renews its warning of the dangers of expanding the conflict

Egypt expresses its concern about the air strikes on Yemen and renews its warning of the dangers of expanding the conflict

The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed in a statement its deep concern over the escalation of military operations in the Red Sea region and the air strikes that were directed to a number of areas within the Republic of Yemen.

Moment by moment 98 days of war in Gaza and the attack on the Houthis in Yemen threatens to expand the circle of war in the region

Expert assessments of the consequences of US strikes on Yemen
The Ministry called for the need to join international and regional efforts to reduce tension and instability in the region, including the security of navigation in the Red Sea.

The Egyptian statement considered the dangerous and rapid developments taking place in the southern Red Sea region and Yemen as a clear indication of the above, and that Egypt has repeatedly warned of the dangers of expanding the conflict in the region as a result of the continued Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip.

Egypt stressed the inevitability of a comprehensive ceasefire and an end to the ongoing war against Palestinian civilians, to spare the region from further factors of instability, conflicts, and threats to international peace and security.

Today at dawn , the American and British armies bombed  sites used by the Houthis in Sanaa, Hodeidah, Taiz, Dhamar and Saada, in a large-scale retaliatory strike.

For his part, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed that the American and British strikes on Yemen  are illegal  from the point of view of international law.


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