World Health Organization: 449 attacks on our facilities, and there must be an urgent solution to the conflict in Gaza

World Health Organization: 449 attacks on our facilities, and there must be an urgent solution to the conflict in Gaza

The Director of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, stressed the impossibility of achieving peace without achieving a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, while confirming that more than 449 attacks have occurred on health services in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank since last October 7.

World Health Organization Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stressed the impossibility of achieving peace without achieving a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

This came in a statement issued after the meeting of the Executive Committee of the World Health Organization, on Sunday.

Ghebreyesus called on all member states, especially those with influence, to work urgently to put an end to this conflict as soon as possible.

The Executive Board of the World Health Organization unanimously approved the decision to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza.

The statement explained that the resolution aims to find a solution to the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, and calls for the immediate, continuous and unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, including the arrival of medical teams.

The resolution calls on all parties to fulfill their obligations under international law. It stresses that parties to the conflict must comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law with regard to the protection of civilians and medical personnel.

About 450 attacks on health facilities

Ghebreyesus announced, during a speech he delivered at the Executive Council session, that more than 449 attacks had occurred on health services in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank since last October 7.

He stressed "the catastrophic impact of the conflict on the health situation in Gaza," explaining that the work of health personnel has become impossible.

He continued: "Up to 1.9 million people have been displaced - that is, almost the entire population of the Gaza Strip - and are looking for shelter anywhere," stressing that "there is no safe place and no one is safe in Gaza."

“On average, there is one shower unit for every 700 people, and one toilet for every 150 people,” he said, as well as worrying signs of outbreaks of epidemic diseases, including bloody diarrhea and jaundice.

The Director-General of the World Health Organization announced his support for the call of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, for a permanent and urgent ceasefire for humanitarian reasons to ensure the delivery of vital aid to those who urgently need it in the Gaza Strip.

He said: "I deeply regret that the Security Council was unable to take a decision on a ceasefire last Friday," referring to the US veto that is obstructing international calls for a truce.

On December 1, a humanitarian truce between the Palestinian resistance factions and Israel ended, concluded with Qatari-Egyptian mediation and lasted for 7 days, during which prisoners were exchanged and limited humanitarian aid was brought into the Strip, which is inhabited by about 2.3 million Palestinians.

Pakistan rejects the Indian Supreme Court's decision supporting the abolition of the autonomy of the state of Jammu and Kashmir

The Pakistani Foreign Ministry affirmed its categorical rejection of the ruling issued by the Indian Supreme Court upholding the Indian government's decision to revoke the semi-autonomy of the disputed Jammu and Kashmir region.
The Pakistani Foreign Ministry said in a statement, “Pakistan categorically rejects the ruling issued by the Indian Supreme Court regarding the status of the illegally occupied Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir,” noting that “Jammu and Kashmir is an internationally recognized dispute, and it is still on the agenda of the Council of Ministers.” United Nations Security for more than seven decades.

He added: "The final disposition of Jammu and Kashmir must be in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people. India has no right to take unilateral decisions on the status of this disputed region against the will of the Kashmiri people and Pakistan."

She stressed that “Pakistan does not recognize the sovereignty of the Indian Constitution over the state of Jammu and Kashmir, and that any process subject to the Indian Constitution has no legal significance,” noting that “India cannot abandon its international obligations under the pretext of local legislation and judicial rulings.” Its plans to annex the state of Jammu "Illegally occupied Kashmir is doomed to failure."

He considered that “the judicial approval of the unilateral and illegal measures taken by India on August 5, 2019 is a mockery of justice, based on distorted historical and legal arguments,” stressing that “Pakistan will continue to provide its full political, diplomatic and moral support to the people of Jammu and Kashmir in realizing their inalienable right.” In self-determination.

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