According to endocrinologist Dr. Lobov Machykhina, Director of the Biomarkers of Aging Laboratory, scientific studies have shown that smoking e-cigarettes increases the risk of developing diabetes.
The doctor said in an interview with the newspaper “Izvestia”: “The danger is the liquid in the electronic cigarette. Because in addition to nicotine, it contains flavorings and a number of chemicals. When this “cocktail” is heated, an aerosol is formed that the smoker inhales. Once the aerosol enters the body “It causes insulin resistance, which leads to a jump in blood sugar levels.”
The doctor points out that e-cigarettes seem harmless, so they are easy to obtain. But in reality they are a controversial alternative to traditional cigarettes. In addition, these cigarettes are popular among teenagers and children, and as we note, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes is increasing among young people.
The expert warns that simultaneous smoking of electronic and regular cigarettes significantly increases the risk of diabetes and other chronic diseases.
According to her, prediabetes is a condition that precedes the development of type 2 diabetes. This condition usually has no obvious symptoms and is characterized by high blood sugar levels. For your information, prediabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and can cause atherosclerosis, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease.
It raises concerns about rising prediabetes and chronic disease rates.