Tehran: Washington is the main culprit in killing Palestinians

Tehran: Washington is the main culprit in killing Palestinians

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said, "Washington has once again proven that it is the main actor and factor in killing Palestinian civilians and citizens and destroying vital infrastructure in Gaza."
Commenting on the American veto against the UAE’s draft resolution on Gaza in the Security Council, Kanaani added: “Since the beginning of the brutal aggression of the Zionist entity against Gaza, Washington has repeatedly demonstrated its alliance and participation with the Israeli apartheid regime in committing war crimes and genocide against the Palestinian people.”

He said: "The current officials in America expressed their concern for the lives of children and civilians in Gaza, but at the same time, and under the guise of deception and hypocrisy, last week they delivered the 200th shipment of weapons and military aid to Israel that kills children."

He stressed that the consequences of any expansion of the scope of the war in the region will certainly be borne by the American and Israeli regimes.

Yesterday, Friday, the United States used its veto power against a draft resolution submitted by the UAE calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

13 of the 15 member states in the Council voted in favor of the draft resolution, while the United States opposed it and Britain abstained from voting.

The draft resolution called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip for humanitarian reasons, and stressed the need for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages and to ensure the arrival of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.


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