Refuting common illusions about sight!

Refuting common illusions about sight!

Dr. Armeni Gevorgyan, an ophthalmologist, has refuted the myth that wearing glasses leads to poor eyesight.

The specialist points out in an interview with that not wearing prescription glasses, contrary to popular belief, leads to fatigue of the eye muscles, which contributes to a noticeable decrease in visual acuity. Pointing out that wearing glasses not only relieves pressure on the eyes, but also stops the deterioration of vision.

The belief that the problem of myopia will resolve on its own with age does not correspond to reality. Moreover, some ophthalmologists often convince patients of this.

But as is known, as the age of forty approaches, the acuity of seeing near objects decreases. Many believe that the defect that was initially present is compensated for by the emerging age-related hyperopia and vision is normalized due to it. However, the development of age-related presbyopia is not a solution to the problem of myopia, but rather a new eye disease. Therefore, the eye sees indistinctly not only distant objects, but also near objects.

The doctor described the assertion that vision can be restored through eye exercises as a misconception. Because eye exercises according to them are just an opportunity to reduce muscle tension and other symptoms of fatigue. Yes, exercise helps train the eye muscles and enhance blood flow to the retina, but it does not improve vision.

The doctor points out that saying that watching TV impairs vision is not entirely true. The truth is that watching TV at a close distance or working on smart devices or computers has a harmful effect on eye health and visual acuity. Because the person blinks less, which causes a disruption in the natural moisturizing process of the eye, fatigue of the eye muscles and lengthening of the eyeball. All of this leads to exacerbation of myopia. Therefore, television must be watched from a distance of no less than 3 meters and for a period of no more than two to three hours.

The doctor advises that it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist after the age of forty periodically, annually, to detect any development or change in the eye, because eye diseases often develop without early symptoms.


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