Myanmar : There are nearly 50,000 people who have fled the fighting in Cork and are trapped

Myanmar : There are nearly 50,000 people who have fled the fighting in Cork and are trapped

Karen State Due to the fighting between the military council and the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) in Kok Krait since November 29, nearly 50,000 local residents have fled their homes, including Kok Krait, and nearby villages, according to local and social aid groups.

A Kokrak resident, who did not want to be named for security reasons, told RFA that there are people fleeing the fighting, and some residents in some neighborhoods away from the military council in the city are also trapped in the fighting.

"Some lower neighborhoods, In the neighborhoods that are not near the army, they don't think that it will affect their areas. There are people who don't think so. When there was a fight in those neighborhoods, it was tight (closed). In Cockrat, the gunners help, It is fully used for shooting airplanes. I used it quite intensively. From the 29th, it was the night of the 30th that the real rush started."

He said that the local people who had to flee their homes fled to the villages away from the city where the two sides are fighting, and also fled to the Mae Sot side of Thailand.

"In Kokrat, they also shoot big balls (weapons). Sometimes they fall on houses and people die."

This morning on December 2, a 40-year-old man and a six-year-old girl living in Ward No. 5 were injured when the Military Council troops fired on Kokraket town, a resident of Kokraket, who did not want to be named for security reasons, told RFA.

"Cockrat is in a very bad situation. I lost two fingers. Fingers touched. Hit the pounds. The child touched the neck. I was taken to Taung Klay Hospital while I was still able to leave. We also throw big balls (weapons) at our cockade. Sometimes it falls on houses and people die. In Ward No. 7, it fell on a residential house. Waterfront roads and houses fell on them."

He said that the details of the casualties and the damage to houses in the city of Kokraket are not yet known due to the ongoing fighting between the two sides.

Since November 29, fighting has been going on between the KNU and the Military Council in Kok Krait Township. On the night of November 30, the Military Council troops bombarded Kaukreit Township from the air.

Since December 1st, joint forces with the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) have been attacking the areas where the military council camp is located, along with the 97th Infantry Division in Kok Krait.

In the afternoon of December 2nd, there was heavy weapon firing and the flight of a military helicopter near the village of Aengkang outside of Kok Krait city, so the people of the village as well as those fleeing the war from other villages are fleeing again, said those who are helping the war refugees.

In addition, a social aid worker told RFA that Kung Do Road, which leads to Kok Krait town, was closed, so social aid groups could not enter the town, and the trapped people were finding it difficult to get out due to the fighting situation.

"The situation is very bad on our side. No more access. We are closed from this Kondo side. I don't know exactly which group. They said that the road was closed. When they said they couldn't walk, we didn't get there. As for the situation of the people, if they touch the city, they avoid the outskirts of the city. If he is outside the city, he hides in the city. Those who got out first have already left. Those who can't get out are avoiding it. There are people who are trapped in the city.”

As the Kokkraet-Myawati Asia road is also closed, local residents and war refugees from villages outside Kokkraet are trying to leave for Mawlamyine via the forest road, aid workers said.

General Zaw Min Tun, who is authorized to speak for the Military Council, said through the media controlled by the Military Council that there was an all-day battle on December 1 in the city of Kok Krait.

“Eight locations in Cockrate City have been attacked. Here, the battle took place almost the whole day. KNU It is reported that the PDF team has suffered many casualties. The situation in the city of Kokrate is now ambush shooting, There is only shooting from a distance with a large weapon.”

Karen State Spokesperson of the Military Council, Economy Minister U Saw Khin Maung Myint said that departmental offices such as the Industrial Farming Office, He told RFA yesterday on December 1 that four offices, including the Fire Department, were set on fire.

The Karen National Union KNU also said that Kyaikdon, including Kaukreit Township, On November 17th, those involved in the administration of the military council in the Sukli and Walemyn areas were warned to leave within a week.

RFA contacted Karen National Union (KNU) spokespersons to find out the current fighting situation in Kok Krait, but was unable to contact them.

According to KNU statements, since November 29, a monk and a civilian woman were killed and two civilians were injured by airstrikes and heavy weapons by the Military Council in Kokkraet and Kyungdo townships.

Indonesia : Flooding in Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan is widespread, residents are asked to be alert and alert

Kapuas Hulu - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan has asked the public to increase their preparedness and vigilance in facing flood disasters which are currently increasingly widespread at a number of points in the region.

"A number of points in the city and a number of sub-districts in coastal areas have been flooded. We ask the public to increase their vigilance and prioritize safety," said Head of BPBD Kapuas Hulu, Gunawan when contacted by ANTARA, in Putussibau Kapuas Hulu, Saturday.

Gunawan said that until now his party is still monitoring and collecting data while waiting for reports from each sub-district affected by the flood.

According to him, the floods caused by high rainfall intensity resulted in the Kapuas River and several other rivers overflowing.

Flooding in this area has occurred since November 27 2023 with conditions experiencing high tides and an average water depth of 50 centimeters to 1.5 meters.

However, due to the high intensity of rainfall in the last few days, a number of areas were flooded.

Gunawan said that from the results of BPBD Kapuas Hulu monitoring in the field, floods hit Boyan Tanjung District, Bunut Hilir District, Embaloh Hilir District, Bika District, South Putussibau District and North Putussibau District.

Meanwhile, the Boyan River, Semangut River, Mentebah River, Sibau River and Kapuas River have increased water levels.

"It is not yet known exactly how many houses and residents were affected by the flood because we are still collecting data in the field and waiting for reports from villages and sub-districts," said Gunawan.

Therefore, Gunawan appealed to all sub-district heads and village and sub-district heads to immediately submit reports according to the format previously submitted through a circular.

"Data is important as a basis for us to convey it to the leadership to take steps, especially handling and determining status when a natural disaster like this occurs," said Gunawan.

Based on data from BPBD Kapuas Hulu, Wednesday (29/11) floods affected Pengkadan District and Bika District, it was recorded that 5,030 people from 1,678 families, 78 public facilities were affected by flooding, and 1,105 residents' houses were even flooded.

On the other hand, based on data from the Kapuas Hulu Regency Education and Culture Office, last Friday (1/12), 20 schools in Kapuas Hulu had to be closed due to being affected by flooding, one of which was SDN 03 Teluk Barak, SDN Tanjung Jati and a number of school buildings in coastal area of ​​the Kapuas River.

Meanwhile, according to ANTARA's monitoring, at the flood location, precisely in the Teluk Barak area, Kedamin Hilir Village, South Putussibau District, Saturday (2/12) the water level was increasing, and even a number of residents' houses were starting to be flooded.

Apart from that, land transportation access on the Kalimantan Teluk Barak road section was also cut off due to flooding, with an average water depth of 80 centimeters to 1.90 meters.

People living in Barak Bay are forced to use boats to carry out daily activities and make platforms inside their houses as a place for refugees during floods.

As of 17.21 WIB, Saturday (2/12) afternoon, the water level was still increasing and it was feared that a major flood would occur like in previous years.

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