Myanmar : Analysts say that the Russian-made SU-30 jet fighter could soon be used

Myanmar : Analysts say that the Russian-made SU-30 jet fighter could soon be used

While the Military Council was carrying out heavy air strikes across the country, two Russian-made SU-30 SME fighter jets entered service yesterday, December 15, on the 76th anniversary of the Military Council's Air Force.

The jet fighters are two of six ordered from Russia and have been with the military council since 2022.

Air Force Sergeant Zey, who is a member of the Nonviolent Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), told RFA that the SU-30 planes have not been used yet due to technical difficulties, but could soon be used.

"The bombs used in that fighter plane cannot be produced by the KAPS (Defense Weapons Factory). It should be used only after it has been standardized. Su-30 fighter jets are more effective than other fighter jets. It costs a lot.”

The Chairman of the Military Council, General Min Aung Hlaing, said at the Royal Army ceremony yesterday that the aircraft will contribute to the improvement of combat power because modern warfare can use air power superiority to influence the enemy.

The Chairman of the Military Council said that since the Air Force has fulfilled its responsibility in operations for generations, it is currently using air power effectively for the stability of the region.

Last August, the Update Defense group, which reports on world military affairs, reported that the SU-30 is currently the most advanced in the Burmese Military Council's air force, which has mostly Russian and Chinese-made jet fighters.

The nose of the SU-30 jet fighter is equipped with radar and electronic equipment, machine gun, bomb air-to-air missile; It is designed to carry weapons such as anti-ship missiles and surface-to-surface missiles.

It can use both guided and unguided missiles and can fly more than 1,800 miles without refueling, which is equivalent to three thousand kilometers.

Myanmar border : There is a shortage of food in the former Chinese war refugee camp

Because the military council army has blocked access to Rakhine State, Residents of the former Chinese war-affected refugee camp in Pohn Ngyun township said that there is no donor and they are facing a food shortage.

A resident of the East China refugee camp, who did not want to be named for security reasons, told RFA that since donors and local social aid groups have not come to the East China war-torn refugee camp of about 400 people, they have run out of food for more than a month.

"When the army closed the access, no one came to our refugee camp. Food is also in short supply. No group has given it. Food is a problem. The mortgage of the things in the refugee camp, They are selling and eating."

Therefore, after the Mokha typhoon, social organizations have been reselling household items that have been given assistance, he said.

The war victims said that since no organization has provided food aid to the East China War Refugee Camp, which is about twenty miles away from the city of Punn Gyun, they will have to drink only congee for the next month.

After fighting between Rakhine Army (AA) and the Military Council started on November 13, the Military Council restricted travel rights.

After that, there was a shortage of rice in Rakhine state, and the prices of food increased exponentially, the locals said.

RFA reached out to Rakhine state attorney general U Hla Thein, the military council's spokesperson, to find out more about the war refugees' food shortages and the military council's limited access to travel, but he did not receive an answer.

There are around 64,000 war refugees who fled during the fighting in Rakhine State and southern Chin State from 2018 to 2020 and have not yet been able to return home.

In addition, within a month of the return of Rakhine fighting, Buthidaung, Maungdaw hermit mountain Brahmin Island wars, North, Stone you plate map The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) announced on November 21 that there have been more than thirty-two thousand (about 32,500) war refugees in Paoktaw Township and Palatwa Township in southern Chin State.


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