Italy : Meloni accuses the previous government of supplying weapons to Israel and Ukraine “behind the people’s backs.”

Italy : Meloni accuses the previous government of supplying weapons to Israel and Ukraine “behind the people’s backs.”

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni confirmed that it was the government of (Giuseppe) Conte that sold the largest amount of weapons to Israel in recent years, and her opponent accuses Conte of merely practicing propaganda against it.
In a briefing to the Senate, in light of the upcoming session of the European Council , Meloni also reminded that Italy “continues to work to achieve a truce and treat civilians in the Gaza Strip.”

Giuseppe Conte: The Meloni government chooses to send weapons to Ukraine behind the Italians' backs
In another context, the Prime Minister said, “The proposal for a ceasefire in the war in Ukraine hides a trap, because it would portray the situation as if we were saying that we consider part of the annexed Ukrainian territories lost.”

Meloni pointed out, "There is a peace plan proposed by Ukraine. I have always heard from colleagues in the Five Star Movement the thesis according to which Russia wants peace and not Ukraine. It is the thesis of Russian propaganda, and I heard it from (Russian President Vladimir) Putin when he addressed the G20." She concluded by saying, "Russia repeats this phrase to everyone who follows it."

On October 6, the leader of the Italian opposition Five Star Movement, Giuseppe Conte , criticized the Meloni government's continued sending of weapons to Ukraine "behind the people's backs" without consulting the elected parliament.

Speaking to reporters in front of the House of Representatives, Conte said, "We asked the Minister of Defense to come and submit a report to Parliament because while democracies discuss, as happens in the United States, central issues in Parliament, our government deals with them without presenting them to the representatives of the people."

Minsk: Relations between Belarus and Poland are effectively severed

The head of the Belarusian Intelligence Service, Ivan Tertel, stated that relations with Poland have reached an unprecedented low level, and it is difficult to predict how they will develop after the formation of the new Polish government.
Belta news agency quoted Tertel as saying: “Relations with Poland have now reached an unprecedented low. They are practically non-existent, but it must be said that this is not our fault. We did not impose sanctions on Poland, nor did we close the border points. On the contrary.” The Head of State gave his instructions to the government to establish good and good-neighbourly relations, as well as discuss issues and problems without preconditions, and unfortunately, there was no response.”

He pointed out that it is difficult to determine the issue of how relations between Belarus and Poland will develop after the formation of the new Polish government.

At the same time, he drew attention to the fact that Belarus is ready for dialogue in any form, saying: “We are ready to discuss the most pressing issues, this is the will of the head of state.”

He added: "By the way, this also applies to the Baltic countries. I think there is an opportunity to turn the page and start from scratch, and we are ready for that."

Earlier, the former Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki , accused Russia and Belarus of "causing a high rate of influx of migrants and attempting to illegally cross the eastern border."

The Polish Border Guard announced that illegal immigrants were trying to break the fence on the border between Poland and Belarus and sneak into Polish territory.

The Polish authorities tightened security measures  at the border and mobilized military personnel to thwart attempts by migrants to infiltrate the country,  accusing the Belarusian authorities  of sparking a migration crisis.
For its part, Belarus rejected all these accusations, declaring that Poland expels immigrants from its territory to the territory of Belarus using force and artificially exaggerates the description of the situation around illegal refugees. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko indicated that Minsk cannot yet deter flows of illegal immigrants heading to European Union countries, explaining that his country does not have sufficient funds and forces to achieve these purposes due to Western sanctions.


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