Dozens of martyrs in an Israeli bombing in Gaza and 90% of the Gaza Strip's population are displaced

Dozens of martyrs in an Israeli bombing in Gaza and 90% of the Gaza Strip's population are displaced

Dozens of people were martyred and wounded in Israeli raids since Thursday morning that targeted various areas of the Gaza Strip, while the World Health Organization warned that the residents of Gaza are facing widespread acute hunger and despair, while UNRWA announced that about 90% of the Strip’s population are currently displaced.

For the 83rd day in a row, the Israeli occupation army continues to launch a series of air strikes on various areas in the Gaza Strip, leaving about 65 martyrs, including two journalists and others wounded.

The spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Gaza, Ashraf Al-Qudra, revealed that the occupation forces committed 20 massacres against entire families, claiming 210 martyrs and 360 injuries during the past 24 hours.

Al-Qudra pointed out that the toll of the Israeli aggression has risen to 21,320 martyrs and 55,603 injuries since the seventh of last October.

He explained that the Israeli violations against the health system led to the martyrdom of 312 health personnel, some of whom were of “rare specialized capabilities.”

The occupation earlier targeted the vicinity of the Al-Amal Hospital of the Red Crescent Society in Khan Yunis 3 times on Thursday, killing 12 Palestinians and wounding 10 others.

The Palestinian News Agency reported that journalist Muhammad Khair al-Din and photographer Ahmed Maher Khair al-Din were martyred in an Israeli bombing that targeted their family homes in the Beit Lahia project in the northern Gaza Strip, bringing the toll of journalist martyrs since the start of the aggression to 105 journalists.

The agency reported that more than 30 Palestinians were martyred in the occupation’s bombing of a residential square in the Beit Lahia project for the families of Khair al-Din, al-Kurd, and al-Qadi. The occupation aircraft also bombed two homes for the al-Manama and Eid families, and homes in the vicinity of the agency’s clinic east of al-Maghazi camp, in the center of the Gaza Strip, which led to the death of seven martyrs. At least, dozens of wounded.

Displaced people without shelter

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) said on Thursday that the number of displaced people in the city of Rafah, in the far south of the Gaza Strip, has exceeded 657,000, a large portion of whom live without shelter.

The Acting Director of the Information and Communications Office at UNRWA in Gaza City, Enas Hamdan, stated that the evacuation orders directed by the Israeli army to the Palestinians in the center of the Strip “increase the pressure on UNRWA in providing services, especially in the city of Rafah, where the number of displaced people has reached more than 657 thousand displaced people.”

Regarding the numbers of displaced people in UNRWA centers in the Gaza Strip, Hamdan said, “Nearly 1.4 million displaced people are now taking refuge in 156 facilities affiliated with the agency,” and in general, she indicated that about 90% of the Gaza Strip’s population are currently displaced.

She added, "Many families are sleeping on the ground around UNRWA centers, which are already suffering from massive overcrowding and have exceeded their capacity in relation to the number of displaced people and the services being provided."

She continued, "The arrival of more displaced people poses another challenge for UNRWA teams that work around the clock to deliver humanitarian aid to the displaced."

Hamdan stated that the humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip are catastrophic, to say the least, and the intensity of the hostilities is still continuing and the number of victims is increasing on a daily basis.

She explained that living conditions are very difficult with the increase in the number of displaced people from various regions to the south of the Gaza Strip, and most of them cannot find places to take refuge in light of the fact that the agency’s shelter centers are “terribly overcrowded with displaced people and receive tens of times their capacity.”

The spokeswoman pointed to UNRWA's attempts to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza and the north, but the continuation of the war prevents safe access to this aid.

Hamdan called for ensuring sufficient, broad and regular entry of aid to meet the needs of the displaced, and called for the opening of safe corridors to deliver aid to Gaza City and the North Governorate.

Acute hunger and despair spread

In this context, the Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, warned that the residents of Gaza face “grave danger,” speaking of the spread of acute hunger and despair throughout the war-ravaged Palestinian Strip.

The World Health Organization said that it delivered supplies to two hospitals on Tuesday, one in the north and the other in the south, and that 21 out of 36 hospitals in the Gaza Strip had completely stopped working.

Ghebreyesus called on the international community to take "urgent steps to mitigate the grave danger facing the people of Gaza that undermines the ability of humanitarian workers to help people suffering from horrific injuries, acute hunger, and who are at extreme risk of disease."

The World Health Organization said in a statement that its staff reported that the need for food “remains dire” throughout the Gaza Strip, while “hungry people stopped our convoys again today in the hope of obtaining food.”

"The World Health Organization's ability to provide medicines, medical supplies and fuel to hospitals is increasingly constrained by the hunger and desperation of people inside these hospitals and those on their way to them," she added.

“Gaza’s recipe for defeating the occupation.” Why will Israel fail to defeat Hamas?

Despite Israel's enormous military capabilities and great international support, the Israeli occupation army has not achieved any of its declared goals. On the contrary, it has failed so far in its basic missions, such as liberating prisoners or stopping the launching of rockets, not to mention destroying the resistance and reoccupying Gaza.

Setting “the complete destruction of Hamas” as the primary goal of his aggression, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the start of the military invasion of the Gaza Strip in response to the Al-Aqsa Flood operation carried out by Hamas on October 7th.

Despite the enormous military capabilities Israel possesses and the great international support it receives, the Israeli occupation army did not achieve any of its declared goals throughout the aggression, which is approaching its third month. On the contrary, it has failed until now in its basic tasks, such as liberating prisoners, or stopping the firing of rockets. On Israeli cities, not to mention the destruction of the resistance and the reoccupation of Gaza.

The Israeli failure was not limited to achieving the great goals that it had set before the start of the aggression, but also extended to its failure to present even false images of victory, according to what Haaretz newspaper reported from Yitzhak Brik, an Israeli general who served in the Armored Corps with the rank of brigade commander, and served as commander of colleges. Military.

Miserable failure

Brick says that based on the information he received from soldiers and officers fighting in the Gaza Strip since the start of the war, he came to the following conclusion: “The Israeli army spokesman and the military analysts in the television studios present a false picture of the thousands of Hamas dead. As for the number of Hamas members killed "Our forces on the ground are much fewer. Most wars do not take place face to face, as the spokesman and analysts claim. Most of our dead and wounded were hit by Hamas bombs and anti-tank missiles."

Before Israel failed to present an image of a false victory, the Israeli intelligence and security services failed to predict in advance the “Al-Aqsa Flood” attack, which represented “a catastrophic failure that will have political repercussions,” according to Israeli analysts. Analyst Amos Harel said: “The situation calls for a historical comparison.” "Painful. Israel's concept regarding Gaza has collapsed. It has failed in politics, in deploying defensive forces, in preparing for surprises, and in the complete absence of intelligence warnings," according to Anadolu .

In addition to the victory it achieved with its complex and advanced operation on October 7, the resistance still has the upper hand on the battlefield in the Gaza Strip, and the Israeli occupation army currently has no quick solutions to the fight against Hamas. Despite the crimes of genocide and the catastrophic destruction caused by the occupation army in the Gaza Strip, resistance members still emerge from the tunnel openings to plant bombs, set up explosive traps, and fire anti-tank missiles, then disappear again into the tunnels.

Defeat of Israel

In general, the Israeli occupation army still follows the well-rehearsed “suburb” doctrine and relies on massive force to respond to irregular warfare, causing widespread social and economic damage, undermining the will of resistance fighters while deterring future threats to Israel’s security. But it's going terribly wrong.

Criticism comes from unexpected quarters, including from former British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, who warned of a 50-year effect. Even the Biden administration has become completely uneasy about what is unfolding, but Benjamin Netanyahu and the war cabinet are determined to hold on as long as possible, according to The Guardian .

The British newspaper pointed out that the leaders of the Israeli army are under enormous pressure to achieve success, and they will go to the extent permitted by the war government. She said they will now realize that despite all of Netanyahu's rhetoric, Hamas, or at least Hamas's ideas, cannot be defeated by military force.

All of these failures prompted Israel to begin withdrawing its forces from more than one axis, while the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation reported on Friday that Tel Aviv is preparing to end its military ground operation in the Gaza Strip as part of the third phase of its war in the coming weeks. The radio quoted unnamed sources as saying, “The third phase includes ending the ground operation in the Gaza Strip, reducing army forces, demobilizing reserve forces, resorting to air strikes, and establishing a buffer zone on the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip,” according to what Anatolia reported .

"Gaza's recipe for defeating the occupation"

The American website Responsible Statecraft believes that the Israeli occupation army is not waging an anti-resistance war in Gaza, but rather waging an “occupation war.” He says that the Israelis left Gaza in 2005, and now they have returned as de facto occupiers to confront Hamas, which does not have an “army” in the true sense of the word, but it does have a military arm, the military arm of which is the “Qassam Brigades,” which reasonably consists of thousands of well-organized guerrilla fighters ( and well-financed).

“Unlike counterinsurgency wars, in which the insurgents do not have the support of civilians who just want the war to end so they can go on with their lives, occupation wars are very difficult and complex, and often end in the defeat of the occupying army, because there are insurgents and civilians cooperating with them. No matter how Whatever their political leanings, the occupiers believe that foreign forces should return to their homeland. Civilians may not be active combatants, but they are likely to provide assistance to the rebels on nationalist grounds only," the source said.

In this sense, wars of occupation - often called "counterinsurgency wars" by occupying powers - have been common and deadly in the modern era. One need only remember the Americans in Vietnam, the French in Algeria, the Soviets in Afghanistan, and the Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The American website adds that in Gaza, the Israeli occupation army finds itself in a situation similar to what the American army faced in Vietnam. The Israeli occupier faces a reality - an almost uniformly hostile population - that makes the IDF's military operations extremely difficult. The risks of launching military operations in such a context are many, but what is most important - at least from the point of view of protecting civilians - is that the Israeli army will view the hostile population in Gaza as “Hamas sympathisers” with tragic results, as was clearly demonstrated on December 15. December, when the Israeli occupation army killed three Israeli hostages in Gaza City.


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