Does memorizing poems help prevent dementia?!

Does memorizing poems help prevent dementia?!

According to World Health Organization data, dementia is one of the three most common causes of death for older people in the world.

Dr. Alexander Myasnikov points out that the most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's disease, which is usually hereditary. Next in prevalence is vascular dementia. Which can be prevented by monitoring blood cholesterol levels and preventing the development of high blood pressure.

According to Myasnikov, there is no single medicine to treat dementia, so doctors use different methods to combat the disease in an attempt to improve patients' condition. For example, some experts recommend learning poetry, solving crossword puzzles, and doing mental work as a preventive measure.

He says: "Poetry should be memorized, and crossword puzzles should be solved. This really helps a lot. Memory improves, and the risk of other mental disorders decreases. But with these methods, the development of Alzheimer's disease cannot be slowed down. However, memory must be trained, and this is a fact."

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