China doctors “reveal” The cause of the outbreak of “white lung” infection!

China doctors “reveal” The cause of the outbreak of “white lung” infection!

Doctors in China say that the outbreak of “white lung” pneumonia It may have been driven in part by “superbugs,” or infections resistant to multiple antibiotics.
Over the past six months or so, northern China has been hit by a wave of cases of lung infections in children.

Tests showed that children develop common seasonal respiratory diseases such as bacterial infections, respiratory syncytial virus, and the common cold.

Now, doctors fear that the increase in cases of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections, a bacteria that can cause pneumonia, may also be due to antibiotic resistance.

Figures from the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Microbiology show that 90% of infections with these bacteria are now resistant to common antibiotics in China. .

When antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections, some bacteria may mutate or acquire genes that make them resistant to the effects of the drugs.

These bacteria can then multiply rapidly, because other non-resistant bacteria have been killed by the drug, giving rise to a resistant strain.

Experts say that excessive use of antibiotics increases the risk of this happening and the spread of antibiotic resistance.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae is usually treated using the antibiotic azithromycin. But over-prescription of this drug has led to the emergence of resistance in bacteria, making it mostly ineffective.

Doctors are left with few options when patients do not respond to the drug — they must consider using other antibiotics that increase the risk of problems such as tooth discoloration and bone deformities.

The outbreak in China was called “white lung” because children suffering from pneumonia had white spots on X-ray images of their lungs.

Doctors said the spots showed areas of denser lung tissue, which can occur when the body fights infection with bacteria such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

Referring to the threat of antibiotic resistance in China, Dr. Yin Yudong, an infectious diseases doctor at Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, told a local newspaper: “We have to take different measures to reduce antibiotic resistance. Otherwise we risk having no cure for children.”

Officials in China say they have now reached a “volatile decline” In cases of infection and hospitalization nationwide.

Revealing the risks of influenza to pregnant women

Dr. Olga Rodionova, an obstetrician and gynecologist, revealed the danger of influenza to the health of pregnant women, as it can slow down the growth of the fetus.

The doctor said in an interview with Gazeta.Ru: “The most dangerous period is the first three months, during which the child’s organs and systems are forming. Therefore, the pregnant woman must be especially careful during it.

According to her, a pregnant woman contracting influenza in the first three months of pregnancy increases the risk of fetal defects and spontaneous miscarriage, and if the pregnancy continues, there is a risk of oligohydramnios and delayed fetal growth.

She says: “It may occur against the background of influenza, in the second and third trimesters, a delay in the growth of the fetus and a disorder in the placenta (which ensures the child’s ability to survive). In addition, there is a high risk for a pregnant woman to develop anemia.”

The prognosis of the mother and fetus, as well as the trimester in which the woman fell ill, depends on other factors, such as bad habits, excess weight, concomitant diseases and complications, the severity of the infectious process, consulting a doctor and starting treatment.

According to her, to prevent influenza, pregnant women can use medications prescribed by the treating physician, such as nasal drops or interferon suppositories. Hands must also be washed with soap; Use hand sanitizers containing alcohol, avoid close contact with sick people, and do not touch the eyes, nose and mouth. In general, they should avoid contact with people suffering from flu-like symptoms.

She says: “We must remember that prevention reduces the risk of contracting the disease, but it does not completely exclude infection.” Therefore, if flu symptoms appear, a pregnant woman should seek medical help immediately.”


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