China creating comfortable clothes while traveling between planets

China creating comfortable clothes while traveling between planets

Chinese scientists have created clothing that can cool or warm the body thanks to a device that adjusts the temperature over the course of a day after recharging it using daylight.

Science magazine indicates that a group of scientists at Nankai University in China has invented a flexible clothing system powered by solar energy that allows a person to remain within a comfortable temperature range despite fluctuations in the temperature of the surrounding environment.

According to the researchers, this innovation, unlike similar temperature-regulating clothing, is capable of both heating and cooling thanks to a device that can adjust the temperature throughout the day after recharging it during the day.

The innovators point out that solar-powered clothing can help and ensure the safety and comfort of the human body in conditions of ambient temperature fluctuations, and even “survive longer in harsh conditions such as in open space or on other planets.”

Meteorologist: There is no evidence of the relationship between magnetic storms and weather on Earth

The impact of magnetic storms on humans and nature was assessed by Russian climatologist, Dr. Nina Zaitseva.
Magnetic storms are expected to occur on Earth in the coming days due to the strongest solar flare in the past six years. According to the expert, there is no evidence that magnetic storms affect weather conditions and people's health.

She says in an interview with the Russian agency, “There is no direct evidence that the weather responds to magnetic storms.”

She adds: " Of course, the magnetic storm is likely to disrupt communications and provoke changes in the upper layers of the atmosphere, through which all radio signals pass. Therefore, it is very difficult to determine that relationship, especially against the backdrop of the difficult weather we are experiencing this season. As for the effect of the magnetic storm on the human body, I have not heard whether there is any convincing evidence that people suffer specifically because of it.”

In addition, Zaitseva answered a question about whether magnetic disturbances will affect the weather in the European part of Russia and whether they are related to record abnormal snowfall in the Moscow region in recent days.

The expert said: “There is no relationship between magnetic storms and snowfall. And all because the Earth deceives us. For example, there was little snow and now there is snow on the surface, and you do not have enough water, then the land brought floods, and after the floods came drought Of course, the circulation of the atmosphere in the last few decades has certainly led to changes in climate and weather. "that we face."

It is noteworthy that earlier this December, it became known that the strongest glow recorded on the Sun during the past six years had a magnitude of x2.8. Experts warned that such phenomena serve as a harbinger of magnetic storms.


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