Bloomberg: Indicators of the moment of the Big Bang in the Middle East

Bloomberg: Indicators of the moment of the Big Bang in the Middle East

New York: The powder keg on which the Middle East region stands is on the verge of exploding, turning the ongoing war between the Israelis and Palestinians in the Palestinian Gaza Strip into a broader conflict in the region, with the strikes directed by the United States on targets in Iraq, which it said were specific to armed factions linked to Iran. At a time when the Yemeni Houthi group intensified its targeting of commercial ships heading to Israel through the Red Sea .

Last Monday evening, the US Department of Defense announced the bombing of 3 facilities linked to the Iranian-backed Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades, which Washington says was behind an attack that injured three Americans in Iraq.

Miller: The United States may have to act more harshly if any of the armed groups in the region kill American soldiers

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said in a statement: “Although we do not seek to escalate the conflict in the region, we are committed to being fully prepared to take any necessary measures to protect our personnel and facilities.”

The next day, the Houthi group, also supported by Iran, renewed its attacks on ships in the Red Sea, and the MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company confirmed that its container ship, MSC United, had been attacked on its way to Pakistan.

Although Iran denied providing assistance to the attacks launched by the Houthis on ships in the Red Sea, it pledged to make Israel pay the price for its killing of General Reza Mousavi, a leader in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, in an aerial bombardment that targeted a suburb of Damascus.

Aaron David Miller, a former American diplomat and research fellow at the Carnegie Peace Research Institute, warns that “it has become clear that the longer the war between Israel and Hamas continues with such intensity, the greater the possibility of escalation of the regional conflict.”

 In an analysis published by Bloomberg News Agency, American political analyst Ian Marlow said that the number of unofficial armed groups and unexpected military operations by Israel, and the potential Iranian response to them, make it difficult to predict when any incident will occur that could ignite a broader conflict. But Miller said that the United States may have to act more harshly if any of the armed groups in the region kill American soldiers, adding: “If we were directly attacked, and Americans died, a bigger and heavier response would be necessary.”

Marlow, a former correspondent for the Global and Mail newspaper in the Asia-Pacific region, adds that the attacks and other recent developments in the region highlight the increasing difficulty facing the administration of US President Joe Biden in moving in a balanced manner, while supporting Israel in its war with the movement. Hamas and other Palestinian factions launched an attack on Israeli settlements and military bases in the area surrounding the Gaza Strip, on October 7th.

The United States deployed aircraft carrier groups in the region with the aim of deterring regional powers loyal to Iran from attacking Israel, which is waging a ground war against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, which resulted in the martyrdom of about 20,000 Palestinians, most of them women and children.

Ian Marlow: All indications are that the situation in the Middle East is approaching the moment of a big explosion, in light of the continuing war in Gaza and attacks by armed groups.

On a related level; Ron Dermer, Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs, visited Washington and met with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, where the talks dealt with the war in Gaza, efforts to release Israeli detainees and prisoners held by Palestinian factions in Gaza, and reducing losses among Palestinian civilians. According to the White House, in addition to the future of the Gaza Strip after the end of the war.

 To Israeli officials, who are concerned about attacks by Lebanese Hezbollah and other anti-Israel armed groups in the region, the current conflict already looks like the broader war that Washington is trying to avoid.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant told the Israeli Knesset that Israel is fighting a multi-front war, and that it is under attack from 7 fronts: Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank, Iraq, Yemen, and Iran, adding that Israel “is already responding on 6 of the seven fronts.” We will now say with the utmost clarity that anyone who takes action against us will become a potential target.”

Finally, Ian Marlow believes that all indicators indicate that the situation in the Middle East is approaching the moment of a big explosion in light of the continuing war in Gaza and the attacks of armed groups opposed to both Israel and the United States and the two countries’ responses to them.

New Delhi reveals developments in the case of Indians sentenced to death in Qatar on charges of “spying for Israel”

The Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the Qatari judiciary's decision to commute the death sentences issued against 8 former Indian Navy officials on charges of spying for Israel.
The Foreign Ministry said in a statement: “Today we noted the ruling of the Qatari Court of Appeal in the case, in which the sentences were commuted.”

She indicated that they are awaiting the issuance of details of the appeal decision, “and we are in close contact with the legal team as well as family members of the convicts in order to decide on the next steps.”

The Foreign Ministry indicated that New Delhi's ambassador to Doha and other officials were present at the Court of Appeal today, along with family members.

She added: "We have stood by their side since the beginning of the case and will continue to provide all consular and legal assistance. We will also continue to discuss the matter with the Qatari authorities."

The statement concluded: “Given the confidential and sensitive nature of the proceedings in this case, it would not be appropriate to make any further comment at this stage.”

It became known that on October 27, an Indian and a Qatari source reported that a court in Qatar had sentenced eight former Indian Navy officials to death on charges of spying for Israel.

Immediately, the Indian government stated that it was “deeply shocked” by the ruling, and added that it was “exploring all legal options,” indicating that it attached “great importance to this case” and would discuss “the ruling with the Qatari authorities.”

Jairam Ramesh, spokesman for the opposition Indian Congress party, also urged the Indian government to "use its diplomatic and political influence with the Qatari government" to do its best to release them as soon as possible.


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