Basic principles of combining milk with other products

Basic principles of combining milk with other products

Dr. Yelena Solomatina, a Russian nutrition expert, identified the basic principles in combining milk and other food products.

The expert points out that the main principle is to reduce the amount of protein. Because milk products contain a high percentage of protein. Therefore, combining two or more protein-rich foods in one dish will place a great burden on the digestive system. This is why it is advised not to combine milk with vegetable protein (legumes, peas, beans, etc.).

According to her, fermented milk products go well with herbs and fruits. Eating cheese with fruits or nuts is an ideal choice for eating.

Solomatina confirms that fermented milk products contain lacto and bifidobacteria, which partially reach the intestines, where they coexist with microorganisms present in the human body.

As is known, according to her, the main part of the human immune system is concentrated in the intestines. Therefore, by eating fermented milk products, we maintain intestinal health and thus resist viral diseases more effectively.

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