An important mineral is showing promise as an emerging treatment for an infection that affects millions of women around the world

An important mineral is showing promise as an emerging treatment for an infection that affects millions of women around the world

New research could pave the way for treating vaginal yeast infections, by shedding new light on how microbes in the body absorb zinc.

About three-quarters of women get a vaginal yeast infection, or also known as vaginal thrush, at least once in their lives, and about 140 million women worldwide suffer from recurring infections. Recurrent yeast infections can have a tremendous impact on quality of life. Existing antifungal treatments are not always effective and resistance to these treatments develops.

The condition is also called oral candidiasis, also known as oral thrush, and is a condition caused by a fungal (yeast) infection called candidiasis.

There are a number of types of Candida but the type that causes most yeast infections is Candida albicans.

New research has found that the trace mineral zinc could play a surprising role in treating infections.

Like humans, Candida albicans needs zinc in its diet, and this yeast produces a molecule that attempts to eliminate zinc as a food source.

The researchers found that the molecule triggers an inflammatory response, which they believe is responsible for many cases of thrush.

According to the results, the zinc-containing gel can relieve symptoms caused by the immune response and can prevent reinfection.

The simplicity and ease of use of the treatment suggest it could quickly translate into a much-needed treatment for the infection, which affects three-quarters of women of reproductive age, researchers point out.

The research was led by Dr Duncan Wilson, from the MRC Center for Medical Mycology at the University of Exeter, who said: “Recurrence of thrush can be very distressing and problematic, and we urgently need new treatments. Our new discovery about zinc is very exciting because it suggests that saving "Simple zinc can inhibit the production of the inflammatory molecule Pra1, but we are not in a position to make treatment recommendations at this stage."

He added: "We need large-scale trials to confirm the effect. Please do not use any products that are not designed for the genital area, as zinc can be toxic in high concentrations and can be completely unsafe."

In laboratory experiments, the team found that manipulating genes so that Candida albicans does not produce the Pra1 molecule prevents inflammation.

The research found that applying relatively low levels of zinc to mice blocked production of the molecule and prevented inflammation. This is important because inflammation is what causes the burning and itching symptoms of thrush.

The research team also recruited women who experienced vaginal infections at least once every three months.

The women used Juvia vaginal moisturizing cream, which contains a small amount of zinc, at night for two weeks, then twice a week.

Of the six women who completed the trial and had thrush, five did not become infected again during the three-month study.

Dr Wilson said: “These results are very encouraging although the number of participants is small. We are now conducting a larger clinical trial to confirm the effectiveness of zinc treatments.”


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