AA captures some military council camps on the border between Bangladesh and India

AA captures some military council camps on the border between Bangladesh and India

The battle between the Military Council Army and the Rakhine Army (AA) that began on November 13th in northern Rakhine State has completed a month today, December 13th.

During this month, in addition to some townships in northern Rakhine State, Myanmar and Bangladesh, Fierce fighting took place on the borders of India, and near the border, Taron Lake, which is important for the military council, don't miss The Rakhine Army (AA) has announced that they have captured large military bases such as Dom Nyo.

Chin State In Palatwa Township, Traun Lake and Ngbo Bu are only more than ten miles away from Mizoram State in Northeast India, and are also important places for the Kalatan River Project.

In addition, the important border of Myanmar-Bangladesh border A missile on the border trade route between Khat Hla military base and Bangladesh. AA also attacked and occupied border guard stations of the Military Council Army in Zangkhalin.

A Rakhine resident, who did not want to be named for security reasons, told RFA that the camps attacked and captured by the Rakhine Army (AA) are important places for the military council.

"The Three Lakes strategy and the Nongbu strategy that the AA has now captured are Myanmar, Rakhine State and India. It is also the main site of the Kalatan River project. The Dom Nyo camp that is now captured in Maungtaw is also the outposts on the border with Bangladesh and Myanmar. These camps are geographically very important camps. As for the Dompei and Changkhala camps, we can say that we have taken control of the Maungdaw-Sitswe highway. "

On the 11th of December, the AA announced that the Rakhine Army (AA) had been offensively attacking the Traun Lake and Nwongbu strategic areas on the Myanmar-Indian border since November 14th, and after 27 days, they were able to capture them on December 10th.

Dom Nyo on the border of Bangladesh Khai Hla Border Guard Station and Chiang Kha Lain, It is said that the camps such as Dompet were captured only in November when the fighting started, and more than forty other camps were also captured.

Now, in the second round of fighting, the main targets of the attack are the military bases in the border area. politics U Pe Than, a Rakhine veteran politician and a former member of the People's Hluttaw, told RFA that he saw a situation where he wanted to create an economy.

"My point of view is that the fighting is between the Indian border and the Bangladesh border. AA dominates this border area, and it seems that it wants to create military, political, and economic areas. On the other hand, if the other side builds a liberated area, since it has to be built against the background of these border areas, it may have that purpose. Therefore, there is no reason for the third cease-fire to happen unless the AA side wins. I see that this could become a decisive battle."

On the other hand, as the fighting between the Military Council Army and the Rakhine Army (AA) intensified in Rakhine, civilians died. The number of injured and displaced people is increasing daily.

According to the lists compiled by RFA, since the beginning of the fighting in Rakhine on November 13 until today, 19 civilians have been killed and more than 60 injured.

During the comeback fight, Phong Taw, The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) announced on December 8 that more than 100,000 residents of Min Pia and Pohn Gyun townships have been displaced and hundreds of houses have been burned.

"The situation of the local residents of Phongdaw is currently helpless. There is no support from international organizations. "

A resident of Phoktaw town, where more than 20,000 people have fled the city, said that they were Kura, He told RFA that the situation was hopeless.

"The situation of the local people of Phongtaw is currently helpless. There is no support from international groups. People are facing all kinds of problems. In some villages, they are living in monasteries. In others, there are people who have taken refuge from the war. We have to go through the problems as we are comfortable. We have nothing to bring with us. Now we have to go through the winter period, so there will be a lot of problems. We are also worried about the loss of lives. We are especially worried about the children and the elderly. and I think I'll have to face a lot."

After the Rakhine Army (AA) seized the city police station on November 16, there has been intense fighting in the city until today. AA announced that more than two hundred local residents arrested by the Military Council were rescued on November 21st and 23rd.

Army of the Military Council, water, He also said that many houses in the city were destroyed by fire due to the cooperation of the three winds. The current residents of the forest, including the Sitts, Residents told RFA that they have taken shelter in nearby villages and are struggling to make ends meet.

Since the fighting started in Rakhine on November 13, the entire Rakhine State has been hit by traffic jams. The waterways are still blocked by the military council. A resident of Sittwe, who did not want to be named for security reasons, told RFA that there is a shortage of basic food items, including fuel, in the local area, and the locals are having a hard time.

"Almost all the roads are closed. The flow of goods is also blocked, so there is no entry or exit. There are many shortages of goods. In the region, everything is in a crisis situation. The grassroots are very affected."

He said that if it continues to be closed like this, it could become quite difficult for the locals.

road RFA has repeatedly contacted U Hla Thein, the state attorney general of Rakhine State, to inquire about the situation in the Rakhine region in addition to the issue of the waterways being blocked, but he has not received a reply.

Maj. Gen. Zaw Min Tun, who is authorized to speak in the military council, said that AA, which is currently fighting in Rakhine, is fighting for the liberation of the Rakhine people. On December 4th, he told the media under the Military Council that they need to think carefully about whether it is right for the liberation of Rakhine State, looking at what was not good during the previous battle.

On the other hand, Major General Zaw Min Tun said that on December 11, he met with the three twin alliances, including the Rakhine Army (AA), which is conducting the 1027 operation in northern Shan State, and will meet again at the end of December.

The three twin alliances announced yesterday on December 12 that Operation 1027 has achieved a certain level of its goals, but will continue to fight to achieve all of its goals. He said that he will not ignore the political ambitions of the Burmese people who have been oppressed by the military council and will not turn back.

RFA repeatedly contacted AA spokesman U Khaing Thukha to ask about the military situation in Rakhine, but he did not receive a response.

Analysts of Rakhine politics believe that the current fighting in the Rakhine region is likely to become more intense.

Hexymer drug was also found in Ammar Zoni's apartment

Jakarta - Police also found the drug hexymer when they arrested artist Ammar Zoni (AZ) in an apartment, Serpong area, South Tangerang, Tuesday (12/12) evening.

"The evidence that was confiscated was marijuana, crystal methamphetamine and also the hard drug Hexymer," said West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Commissioner Pol M Syahduddi when contacted in Jakarta, Wednesday.

Syahduddi said that AZ would be named a suspect in the drug use case.

"He will be a suspect (AZ)," said Syahduddi.

However, Syahduddi has not revealed the exact time that AZ will be named a suspect because he is still conducting an in-depth investigation into AZ.

"Examination and in-depth investigation (of) the person concerned (AZ) is still being carried out," said Syahduddi.

Previously, the police investigated the supplier of marijuana and methamphetamine drugs consumed by artist Ammar Zoni (AZ) in South Tangerang.

"Now we are carrying out an investigation to find the supplier (of drugs) for artist AZ," said West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Unit Head, AKBP Indrawienny Panjiyoga. 

The examination followed AZ's arrest on Tuesday (12/12) evening at an apartment, Serpong, South Tangerang.

"That's right, we arrested the artist in question (AZ) last night in Serpong, South Tangerang, in an apartment," said Panji.


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