5 types of drugs that cause addiction

5 types of drugs that cause addiction

Statistics indicate an increase in sales of some types of medications in recent years, which indicates an increase in addiction to taking them.

Dr. Alexander Myasnikov points out that the significant increase is observed in sales of analgesic medications, knowing that headache treatment medications may actually cause addiction, and is attributed to five types of widely spread medications, all of which cause addiction. These medications are:

1 - Laxatives. It is wrong to train intestinal peristalsis to work artificially. Because repeated use of these medications causes the intestines to stop working without stimulation. In addition, the harm of many of them lies not only in addiction, but in the forced movement of water and electrolytes in the intestines. According to the doctor, this leads to irregular heartbeat and other health problems. Therefore, chronic constipation must be dealt with by changing lifestyle - moving more and following a correct diet.

2- Painkillers. If a person takes 15 painkiller pills a month, after a while it develops into addiction. Because anti-pain medications affect the sensitivity of the receptors and change their function.

3- Antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance is a problem of the times. Moreover, according to him, a dangerous phenomenon has arisen, as some types of bacteria, after repeatedly encountering antibiotics, begin to use them to build their bacterial wall. That is, without antibiotics, bacteria die.

4 - Hypnotics. According to Myasnikov, a good doctor would never start treating insomnia with sleeping pills. The bad ones will increase the dose to combat insomnia. Best of all is to go to bed at the same time every day and wake up at the same time as well.

5 - Vasoconstrictors. Using nasal drops to constrict blood vessels for 3-5 days means that it becomes more difficult to "get rid of them." Because the person gets used to it in order to breathe easily, and without it he would not be able to breathe normally.

How does noise affect children?

The world is a noisy place, and we are constantly exposed to excessive levels of noise, especially children, for whom excessive noise exposure can be more harmful to their health than we think.
Many parents know that loud noises can harm a child's hearing. Very loud noises can cause immediate damage. Using personal listening devices for music, videos, and classrooms can also cause harm if they are too loud.

Extremely noisy environments can have harmful effects beyond hearing.

Environmental noise, also known as “noise pollution,” comes from sources around us, including: road traffic, airplanes, airports, and trains. Noise sources can also be internal, such as televisions and others.

Environmental noise is less likely to cause hearing problems than loud noise from personal devices and activities, such as concerts. However, environmental noise can have harmful effects on children's learning, behavior and sleep.

Compared to adults, children may be more vulnerable to the effects of noise as they continue to grow and develop. They may also have less control over where they spend time.

Children who live in less affluent environments are more likely to be exposed to higher levels of environmental noise.

Environmental noise can affect children's learning, such as in very noisy classrooms and childcare settings.

Reading, remembering, and performing well on tests may be difficult when there is a lot of background noise or loud conversations.

Planes flying overhead can make it difficult to understand what the teacher is saying. Teachers may need to interrupt lessons to wait for planes to pass. Being disturbed by noise can cause children to lose focus in lessons.

For infants and children who are learning how to speak, a noisy environment can make it difficult for them to understand speech.

Environmental noise can also affect the way children play, which is important for their development. Many children are exposed to background noise from leaving televisions on even if the child is not actively watching it.

When televisions are left on, babies and toddlers do not focus as much or for as long on playing with toys.

Noise often interferes with sleep. According to the World Health Organization, millions of people suffer from worse sleep due to nighttime noise from road traffic and other sources.

Research conducted mainly on adults shows that even low levels of nighttime environmental noise cause more body movements, waking, and other sleep disturbances.

These things happen even though the sleeper is not aware of them. Lack of sleep can cause daytime sleepiness and affect children's learning.

In addition, too much noise can trigger the body's stress response. We can see this in premature babies in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). For example, when these children are exposed to alarms, phones, ventilators, pumps, monitors, and incubators, there can be changes in breathing, heart rate, and oxygen levels. Noise can increase blood pressure in children, and long-term exposure to noise increases the risk of a heart attack in adults.

Some children with special sensitivities, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), sensory processing disorders or learning differences, may be bothered by sounds or noises that are not bothersome to children without these sensitivities. Usually cases.

More research is needed to learn more about how the effects of noise accumulate over a lifetime. In the meantime, we know enough to take steps to reduce children's exposure to noise.


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