Who should avoid eating peas?!

Who should avoid eating peas?!

Dr. Yelena Baritskaya, an immunologist and allergist, revealed the categories of people who should avoid eating peas.

According to her, peas contain a large amount of purines, which increase the level of uric acid in the body, a high level of which leads to joint pain, gout attacks, and the formation of kidney stones.

She says: “Therefore, the intake of peas should be limited in old age due to a disturbance in the purine metabolism process. That is, the elderly should not eat a lot of peas, especially those who suffer from kidney inflammation and exacerbation of digestive system diseases - cholecystitis, stomach ulcers, as well as inflammation.” thrombophlebitis.”

The doctor indicates that eating peas should be reduced in case of colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and hemorrhoids, as well as during pregnancy. Because during the digestion process of peas, gases are produced that cause bloating.

On the other hand, according to her, peas have many beneficial properties. For example, they contain vitamin A and beta-carotene, which help accelerate the healing of damaged tissues as well as correct the work of the hormonal system. Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels and protects the immune system. And the vitamin B group works to improve metabolic processes in the body.

Study: Spaceflight increases the risk of erectile dysfunction!

Space travel raises a large number of gender-related issues, including what might happen to a baby if it is conceived in space.
In experiments conducted on mice, researchers in the United States found that exposure to the harsh conditions of space can lead to erectile dysfunction, as high levels of microgravity and radiation, as normally seen outside the Earth's protective atmosphere, "adversely affect vascular tissue" and weaken Blood flow to the penis.

Furthermore, the problem persists long after exposure to space conditions has ended.

The research was conducted by experts at Florida State University and Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina, who said the effects of spaceflight on erectile function have not yet been explored.

“There has been increasing interest within the space industry in long-duration manned missions to the Moon and Mars,” they explained in their paper published in the journal FASEB. “These findings suggest that simulated spaceflight leads to long-term impairment of neurovascular erectile function, revealing new health risks.” "It must be taken into account when exploring deep space."

The team used 86 male mice in their experiments, which were conducted at NASA's Space Radiation Laboratory in New York.

Half of the rodents were placed with their hind limbs facing up (to simulate the weightlessness caused by microgravity in space) for four weeks, while the other half were able to walk around in their cages as usual.

In both groups, different mice were exposed to different levels of cosmic radiation: high exposure, low exposure or no exposure.

Follow-up evaluations about a year later revealed two problems related to erectile dysfunction in the mice: oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction, which may impair blood flow to the penis.

Oxidative stress describes the harmful effects that free radicals (unstable molecules) have on the body, and is also linked to poor sperm production.

Endothelial dysfunction is the inability of the endothelium, the thin layer of cells that line blood vessels, to function properly.

“Oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction are two factors causing erectile dysfunction,” the researchers explain.

Although the experiments used mice, researchers are concerned that similar effects could be seen in humans.

Astronauts spend months at a time on the International Space Station (ISS), practicing strict exercise regimes to compensate for weightlessness.

The team hopes that treatments will be available to male astronauts, either before or after their return or during their space mission.

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