What is the solution if the cough persists for a long time?!

What is the solution if the cough persists for a long time?!

Cough is a common symptom of respiratory diseases. What to do if the cough persists for a long time? Are its consequences serious?

According to Dr. Alexander Myasnikov, a cough that persists. For more than three months, it indicates serious health problems, and is called chronic. The causes of chronic cough are:

1 - Stomach reflux. Chronic cough may be caused by gastroesophageal reflux. As a result of the ejection of stomach contents into the esophagus, and from there into the pharynx, irritation begins and thus coughing, which increases when lying down. Cough receptors are also found in the esophagus and ears. The presence of wax in the ears can provoke coughing. Therefore, in the case of chronic cough, the patient must check stomach acidity, because acidity suppressing medications also help get rid of cough.

2- Sinusitis. Sinusitis leads to the accumulation of secretions. Allergy medications help get rid of them and thus eliminate chronic cough.

3- Blood pressure medications. Some types of blood pressure medications whose name ends with (pril) can cause chronic cough. Therefore, if cough appears in those who take these medications, they must replace them with other medications.

4- Asthma. Chronic cough can appear due to bronchospasm, and this usually occurs in children. Therefore, you should consult a doctor to determine its cause.

5- Smoking. Smokers may suffer from chronic cough. Therefore, they should sound the alarm if the nature of the cough suddenly changes or streaks of blood appear in the secretions. Because lung cancer in the early stages can be without symptoms, it is best to undergo early screening.

6- Whooping cough. It can also be a cause of chronic cough.

Stroke in young people: causes and methods of prevention

According to Professor Yuri Konev, a specialist in cardiovascular diseases, the causes of stroke in youth can be lack of physical activity and poor nutrition.
The professor says in an interview with RT: “Lack of physical activity is the biggest problem facing the younger generation. Refined foods and fast food also lead to nutritional imbalance and an imbalance in fat metabolism. This can lead to early changes resembling atherosclerosis in the blood vessels.” ".

He indicates that the cause may be a genetic predisposition to stroke.

“Some people have certain risks, such as increased blood clotting, that appear early in youth, and others have a tendency to change muscle tone, especially vascular smooth muscle,” he says. “All of these changes appear early in the absence of physical activity.”

According to him, it is important to monitor and control the level of blood pressure.

He says: “The young man feels a headache and takes painkilling medication, without thinking that the cause of the headache may be related to high blood pressure. Blood pressure is a precursor to the development of a stroke. It has become clear that the largest percentage of those who suffer from a stroke suffer from high blood pressure.” The risk of this condition increases when the level of high blood pressure fluctuates rather than constant throughout the day.”

To prevent stroke at an early age, the professor advises eating rationally, engaging in physical activity, following a sleep schedule and undergoing regular medical examinations.

He says: "We must sleep at night, as we have melatonin, which the body produces during the night only to regulate sleep. If its production is not sufficient, regulating the blood pressure level becomes complicated. Therefore, physical indicators must be monitored. Blood pressure levels should be measured and an ECG performed at an early age." "All of this does not take a long time. Sometimes it is enough to conduct a blood test. All of these measures allow for the prevention of early stroke, and generally reduce the risk of stroke."

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