The Security Council fails to achieve a ceasefire, More than 10,000 martyrs in Gaza and 70% forcibly displaced

The Security Council fails to achieve a ceasefire, More than 10,000 martyrs in Gaza and 70% forcibly displaced

On the 32nd day of the intense raids launched by the Israeli occupation on Gaza at night, a number of Palestinians were martyred and dozens injured, especially in Rafah and Khan Yunis, while a UN official confirmed that the large number of deaths in the Gaza Strip leaves the world facing a “humanitarian challenge.”

For the 32nd day in a row, Israeli warplanes continued, on Monday/Tuesday night, to launch intense raids and bombardment of homes and buildings in various areas of the Gaza Strip, resulting in the death and injury of dozens of Palestinians.

The Israeli bombing continues after the failure of the UN Security Council to reach a ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip, after a closed session held by the Council, which is the third session within a month to discuss ways to cease fire in the war that Israel is waging against Gaza.

Robert Wood, deputy US representative to the United Nations, said in statements after the session that "an agreement has not been reached yet." Wood stated that the issue of a humanitarian ceasefire was raised in the session, but there are still different views on it in the Council.

For his part, China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, said that at the request of his country and the UAE, the Council held a session to discuss "Israeli attacks on hospitals, refugee camps, and United Nations facilities."

Raids continue

The Palestinian News Agency (Wafa) reported that “at least five citizens, including a woman, were martyred and others were injured after the occupation aircraft targeted a house in the Shaboura camp in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, after midnight tonight.”

Also, "8 martyrs were killed in a bombing that targeted a house in the Ma'an area, east of Khan Yunis, in the south of the Gaza Strip."

Medical sources reported that "a citizen was martyred and injured in a bombing that targeted a residential building in the northern Gaza Strip."

Israeli raids targeting the vicinity of Kamal Adwan Hospital and Al-Quds Hospital led to the death of two Palestinians and the injury of others. The occupation also targeted a house in Al-Qarara, east of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip, causing injuries. The occupation aircraft targeted various areas along Al-Rashid Street, opposite the Tal Al-Hawa area, west of Gaza City, and continued intense artillery shelling on the Al-Sudaniyah area, northwest of Gaza City.

The occupation bombed a number of sites in the vicinity of the popular intersection in the center of Gaza City. Prior to that, aircraft and artillery bombing operations were concentrated in the vicinity of Al-Quds Hospital in the Tal Al-Hawa area and in Al-Shati Camp, Al-Maghazi, the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, Beit Hanoun and areas north of Beit Lahia, and other areas of the Gaza Strip, which resulted in the death and injury of others.

In this context, the Palestinian Red Crescent said that Israeli aircraft targeted the vicinity of Al-Quds Hospital with two missiles, calling on the organizations to quickly provide assistance and basic supplies to the Gaza Governorate and the northern region.

Medical sources expected that the fuel stock for the Al-Quds Hospital electricity generator would run out within the next 48 hours, while sources at Al-Awda Hospital confirmed that the fuel stock had begun to run out and would reach zero within 30 hours.

Sources at the Indonesian Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip said that 24 hours remained until the hospital completely stopped due to running out of fuel, and that some of the hospital's vital departments had already stopped.

In a related context, the volunteer group that built the Indonesian hospital in Gaza refuted the allegations of the Israeli occupation army that Hamas is using the medical facility to launch attacks.

In response to the occupation's accusations, Srbini Abdul Murad, head of the MER-C volunteer group that financed the establishment of the Indonesian hospital, said: "We built this hospital to help others according to the needs of the people of Gaza."

Israel accuses Hamas of using hospitals in Gaza as a cover for its underground operations.

70% of Gaza's population are "forcibly displaced"

Martin Griffiths, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, confirmed that the large number of deaths in the Gaza Strip leaves the world facing a “humanitarian challenge.” Griffiths wrote on the

The government media office in the Gaza Strip announced at dawn on Tuesday that about 2% of the total population of the Gaza Strip became direct victims of this aggression, either martyrs or wounded.

The office announced at dawn on Tuesday that 70% of the population of the Gaza Strip have been forcibly displaced from their homes.

In a press statement, the office indicated that 2.3 million people have been forcibly displaced from their homes due to bombing and raids. He added that about 2% of the total population of the Gaza Strip became direct victims of this aggression, either martyrs or wounded.

He pointed out that Gaza Strip hospitals have received, on average, one wounded person every minute since the beginning of the aggression, and 15 martyrs every hour, and that the average number of martyrs among children is 6 per hour, and 5 among females is 5 per hour.
The office confirmed that "30 thousand tons of explosives were bombed in the Gaza Strip, with an average of 82 tons per square kilometer."
He explained that "50% of the housing units in the Gaza Strip were damaged as a result of the bombing and raids, and that 10% of the housing units were completely demolished or became uninhabitable."
He continued: "33% of the schools in the Gaza Strip were damaged as a result of the bombing, and about 9% of them were out of service, and 14% of the mosques in the Gaza Strip were damaged, and 5% of them were completely demolished."
27 Israeli military vehicles were destroyed within 48 hours

The Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, announced on Monday that it had completely or partially destroyed 27 Israeli military vehicles in the battles taking place in Gaza during the last 48 hours.

Abu Ubaida said in a brief statement on his account on the Telegram platform: “Al-Qassam mujahideen on the fighting fronts during the last 48 hours completely or partially destroyed 27 military vehicles.”

He added: "They also attacked the invading (Israeli) forces with dozens of mortar shells, and engaged in direct clashes with the enemy forces, inflicting devastating losses."

As of 17:30 (T.G), the Israeli army had not issued a comment on the Qassam Brigades statement.

For 32 days, the Israeli army has been waging a “destructive war” on Gaza, in which 10,22 Palestinians were martyred, including 4,104 children and 2,641 women, and more than 25,000 others were injured. 163 Palestinians were martyred and 2,200 were arrested in the West Bank, according to official Palestinian sources.

“State terrorism” Speaker of the Turkish Cypriot Parliament: Israel’s goal is to wipe Palestine from the map

The Speaker of the Parliament of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Zorlu Ture, stated that Israel's goal is to completely wipe Palestine from the map, not the Hamas movement, describing those who run Israel as butchers, and that their attacks on Gaza are state terrorism.

The Speaker of the Parliament of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Zorlu Ture, said that Israel's goal is to completely wipe Palestine from the map, not the Hamas movement.

This came in his statements about the attacks launched by Israeli fighters on civilians, hospitals and schools in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Toure described those who run Israel as "butchers," adding: "Gaza is witnessing genocide. What Israel is doing is shameful genocide. The United Nations is of no use, and peace demonstrations are not enough to stop Israel because the United States and the European Union stand behind Israel."

Toure criticized the UN Security Council for not taking a fair position regarding Gaza, stressing the need for Islamic countries to unite and cooperate in order to stop the Israeli aggression.

He continued: "Israel's goal is not Hamas, but to completely wipe Palestine from the map. They claim to eliminate Hamas, but they kill civilians."

He added: "They kill children and pregnant women, bomb hospitals, and destroy buildings. Israel is committing a war crime today. Where are the human rights courts? Where is the United Nations? Where are the international institutions? They are all watching Israel's barbaric brutality."

Toure stressed that Israel's attacks on civilians in Gaza are "state terrorism," calling on the international community to find a way to stop the atrocities committed by Israel.

An Algerian party demands withdrawal from the Arab League after the aggression on Gaza, and “Army” magazine warns against attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause

 The Algerian Workers' Party renewed its position by calling for the country's withdrawal from the League of Arab States, against the backdrop of the complicity of some Arab regimes with the Israeli occupation and the inability of this organization to support the Palestinian people, in exchange for the mobilization of all major powers in the world in favor of Israel.

The party, which belongs to the far left, said in a statement that in order to strongly embody the support of the Algerian people for the Palestinian cause , it calls on the country’s highest authorities to withdraw Algeria from the League of Arab States, reiterating its “unconditional support for the struggle of the Palestinian people to regain all their historical rights and all their lands.” Stolen by the Zionist entity.” This political formation had similarly called for withdrawal from the Arab Free Trade Agreement, as it could involve Algeria in dealing with countries that maintain trade relations with Israel.

Regarding the justifications for the call for withdrawal, the party was surprised that “at a time when the Zionist entity is committing genocidal massacres against the Palestinian people in Gaza, eliminating dozens of entire families from grandparents to children and grandchildren, and killing women and children by the hundreds with every bombing,” the US Secretary of State, Anthony, meets with Blinken, with several foreign ministers of several Arab countries, “to tell them and announce to the entire world that there will be no ceasefire.”

He considered that the regimes, especially the Arab ones, “are responsible and guilty because they are complicit in the massacres and crimes of the Zionist entity through the diplomatic and economic relations that bind them and maintain them and through their shameful and cowardly refusal to help the people of Gaza by breaking the criminal siege that starves and thirsts 2.4 million people in need of food and water and which kills.” The injured, injured, and chronically ill due to the lack of medicines, care, and hospitals destroyed by Zionist barbarism.”

In condemning language, the party led by former presidential candidate Louisa Hanoune said, “Shame and disgrace will befall all governments that do not submit to the demands of their people to sever ties with this barbaric entity whose ministers openly threaten the Palestinian people with annihilation, including with nuclear weapons, and it will befall all “who remain silent in the face of This barbarism, and such actions and such statements are condoned.”

This political organization also strongly attacked the American administration, holding it responsible for the terrible massacres committed against the Palestinian people. He considered that Joe Biden and his administration refuse to suspend their mandate to exterminate the Palestinian people, despite “the condemnations of these terrible massacres, and the multiplication of voices demanding a ceasefire from many countries, organizations and international figures, but also despite the historic mobilization of peoples around the world denouncing the genocidal war that The Palestinian people and the call for an immediate ceasefire are being exposed to it.”

He said, “After unconditional political support, and military support by sending two aircraft carriers and sending weapons and ammunition, American imperialism voted through the House of Representatives to provide financial aid to the Zionist entity worth $14 billion, and its president, Mike Johnson, announced during the discussions that “We cannot waste a minute.” One is to provide Israel with the aid it needs.” Indeed, the party adds, “The Zionist entity that benefits from these billions of dollars does not waste these minutes, as one Palestinian is assassinated every four minutes during a month of extermination war.”

He highlighted that if Netanyahu, his government, and his army are the ones slaughtering the Palestinians in Gaza, killing them at the same time in the West Bank, imprisoning them by the thousands, and suppressing the Palestinians located within the 1948 borders, then “the real officials responsible for these terrible crimes are the same ones who were held responsible by the hundreds of thousands of Americans who demonstrated on Saturday, November 4, in Washington, in one of the largest mobilizations to demand an “immediate ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip, smearing red paint on the walls and doors of the White House and raising the slogans, “We tell you, Joe Biden, fight, no to genocide.”

The statement added, praising the global mobilization in favor of Palestine, that “as was the case in Washington, and in many cities around the world, and despite the terrible media pressure, lies, and despicable campaigns against anyone who dares to criticize the entity or show support for the wounded Palestinian people, workers and peoples came out in the hundreds of thousands.” And millions chanting: “Stop this massacre,” “Stop shooting immediately,” and “Lift the criminal siege” on the Gaza Strip.

Army Magazine: Palestine is one of the central issues for the Algerian leadership and people

For its part, the Army Magazine in Algeria, in an editorial in its issue for this month, described the Palestinian issue as one of “the central issues of Algeria, its leadership and its people,” highlighting that Algeria’s positions of support and support for the right of peoples to self-determination “were established based on the inspiration of the noble values ​​on which this Algerian revolution was based.” “.

The magazine, which expresses the position of the Algerian army, confirmed that “all indicators and facts confirm that the Zionist occupation plans to liquidate the Palestinian cause, which is reflected in the brutal genocide it is waging against Palestinian civilians, especially children and women, in flagrant and blatant violation of all international norms and conventions.”

She added that the Zionist occupation is thus committing “war crimes and heinous crimes against humanity in light of the inability of the Security Council and the United Nations to impose the two-state solution that enjoys international consensus and in light of a biased Western media that deals with double standards with a just cause for a people who have been struggling for more than 75 years to regain peace.” His legitimate right to establish his independent state.”

In the same context, she stressed that Algeria, which was the first country in the world to recognize the Palestinian state when the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat announced its establishment from Algeria on November 15, 1988, “remains steadfast in its position derived from the principles of its victorious revolution.”

Algeria’s position, in the eyes of the Army Magazine, is “standing with the truth against tyranny, persecution, and the deprivation of the national rights of a people who did not ask for anything but to live in peace on their land, just as was the demand of the Algerian people yesterday before they decided to put an end to the occupation, go beyond the fait accompli, and take armed struggle as a means to liberate the country.” 

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