The government media office in Gaza: Israel is “promoting lies” in preparation for the destruction of hospitals

The government media office in Gaza: Israel is “promoting lies” in preparation for the destruction of hospitals

Gaza: The government media office in the Gaza Strip said that the Israeli occupation army “is spreading lies and practicing misinformation and incitement in preparation for destroying hospitals and killing patients.”

The office said in a statement on Monday/Tuesday night on the Telegram platform: “The spokesman for the Israeli occupation army came out to us in a press conference full of lies, during which he showed videos made in a contradictory, unprofessional and illogical manner that clearly show complex, fabricated and misleading scenes to public opinion, as this falls within the framework of “His campaign of misinformation and incitement against hospitals.”

He added: “It was previously proven, based on engineering plans, that the occupation lied when it showed pictures that it said were tunnel openings for the resistance, and it was later revealed that they were places for storing water and fuel for the various departments of the hospital.”

He continued: “It is a failed attempt to justify the crimes he committed by bombing the Baptist, Shifa, Indonesian, Rantissi, Public Service, Jerusalem, and Turkish hospitals, and other hospitals that claimed the lives of hundreds of martyrs and wounded civilians, children, and women, as well as a failed attempt to justify his killing of the sick and wounded, his sniping of medical teams, and his firing of fire and shells at the displaced.” And targeting ambulances.”

The government held the Israeli occupation “fully responsible for any foolishness it commits against hospitals or health institutions in general, and we also hold it responsible for the safety of tens of thousands of our medical staff, our patients, and all the displaced people who are safe in hospitals,” according to the statement.

The Israeli occupation army’s spokesman for the Arab media, Avichai Adraee, posted on his account on the “X” platform that the army “liquidated a cell of saboteurs that worked in the vicinity of Al-Quds Hospital and opened fire from its entrance towards our forces.”

Adraee added: “During its activity, our forces were exposed to RPG shelling and small arms fire from Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City.”

The spokesman accused Hamas of “exploiting sensitive sites, including hospitals, in order to open fire” toward the army.

Earlier Monday, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said that the vicinity of Al-Quds Hospital was witnessing “heavy gunfire and the presence of Israeli military vehicles,” adding that its crews were “surrounded with the sick and wounded, without electricity, water, or food.”

The association announced on Sunday that the Al-Quds Hospital, which it runs in the Gaza Strip, had been out of service. Due to running out of fuel and a power outage.

In a related context, the spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Gaza, Ashraf Al-Qudra, confirmed that hospitals were no longer able to provide medical services amid the Israeli targeting.

Al-Qudra said in press statements broadcast by the Palestine TV platform on Telegram, “Hospitals will stop working in the next 48 hours if aid does not enter.”

Over the course of 3 days, the Israeli occupation forces intensified their presence in the vicinity of hospitals in the northern Gaza Strip , in light of successive demands from the residents of the northern Gaza Strip to go south. 

CNF seizes two military council camps in Rid Khodar, India-Myanmar border

On November 13, Chin National Front (CNF) spokesman Salai Chetni said that they were able to capture two military council camps in Rid Khodar, Chin State, on the India-Myanmar trade route.

"There are two camps in Reed Dar, both of which we have been attacking since last night (November 12th) and we can finish it at 5 pm today. During the fighting, they had a jet fighter and MI 35s coming and firing, but there was no damage."

In this battle, the Chin National Front (CNF), It was a joint fight between Thantanglan Chinpye Defense Forces (CDF) and local defense forces.

He also said that more than ten people were injured and killed on the side of the defense forces, and at least five people were killed on the side of the military council.

In addition, there are seven people from the military council, including a major, who have surrendered and fled to India, said Salai Chetni.

The camps of this military council are close to the headquarters of the CNF and are on the India-Myanmar No. 2 trade road. He also said that it was seized because it cut off the economy.

Saline Chetni said that the military council fired heavy weapons and exploded on residential houses, injuring nearly twenty people on the Burmese side, as well as on the Indian side.

Locals and defense forces said that more than 5,000 locals are fleeing towards India because of the fighting.

The Military Council has yet to issue a press release regarding this issue, and RFA contacted Chin State Spokesperson for Social Affairs Minister U Kyaw Soe Win by telephone to get a response, but there was no response.

The Republic of East Turkistan has been recognized as unique in all parts of the world

It is known that on November 12 and the days before and after that, Uighurs abroad and Uighur organizations will hold various commemorations of the two East Turkistan republics in history.

On November 11, the World Uyghur Congress recorded a 15-second video about the Uyghurs on the big screen at the famous Davar Square in New York City, USA. At the beginning of the video, a portrait of a Uyghur girl wearing the traditional Uyghur headdress tumak and flowered kimkhab is shown with the words "Uyghur". After that, a flying blue moon and star flag is displayed along with the words "November 12th East Turkistan National Day". At the end, there is footage of salutes being fired along with the words "November 12, 1933 & 1944, East Turkistan Republic Day" and the short video ends with the logo of the World Uyghur Congress.

Mr. Mamet Imin, a Uyghur intellectual who lives in New York, was interviewed by our radio station and gave a detailed explanation of how these scenes unfolded in "Davar" Square. He said that the video was played a total of 8 times from the 15th second on the screen at Davar Stadium.

President of the World Uyghur Congress, Mr. Sang Isa, spoke to our radio station about this, and expressed the importance of recognizing the Uyghurs internationally as a nation with a glorious history and not just a nation undergoing genocide, but an independent republic in history.

On November 12, 1933, the "East Turkistan Islamic Republic" was established in Kashgar, and on November 12, 1944, the "East Turkistan Republic" was established in Yining.

European Uyghur Institute
On November 12, the European Uyghur Institute in central France also celebrated Turkistan Day in a unique way. They cooperated with an advertising company in Paris and put a picture and a one and a half minute video about Uyghurs on the big screen on three sides of the big screen advertising car, and rotated it in the streets of Paris.

The head of the European Uyghur Institute, Dr. Dilnur Rayhan gave a detailed explanation about this in an interview with our radio station.

He also stated that by commemorating the National Day in various ways, he aims to inform the international community that the Uyghur issue is not a human rights issue, a minority issue, but a colonial issue.

At the end, he shared with us the situations that affected him while showing pictures and videos of Uighur and East Turkistan Republic Day celebrations on a big screen billboard.

According to historical data, on November 12, 1933, the East Turkistan Islamic Republic was established in Kashgar under the leadership of Sabit Damollam. Due to the complex international situation at that time, the direct armed repression of countries such as Russia and China, the republic could not stand for long. Ten years later, in 1944, the East Turkistan Republic was established in Yining under the leadership of Akhmetjan Kasimi. However, this republic could not last long due to the complex historical situation and various reasons.

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