Study: 40% of baby food products contain toxic pesticides

Study: 40% of baby food products contain toxic pesticides

Researchers have found that nearly 40% of baby food products sold in stores, analyzed in a new US study, contain toxic pesticides that harm child development.

The study, conducted by the US non-profit Environmental Working Group (EWG), revealed that of the 73 products sampled, 22 contained at least one pesticide, and many showed multiple pesticides.

“Infants and young children are particularly vulnerable to health risks posed by pesticides in food,” said Sydney Evans, a senior scientific analyst at the Environmental Working Group and co-author of the study. “Food is the way most children are exposed to pesticides.”

The study looked at Beech-Nut, Gerber, and Parent's Choice products, although it did not specifically identify which companies' products contained pesticide residues.

Among the pesticides the researchers discovered are acetamiprid, a neonicotinoid insecticide that is harmful to bees and humans, and captan, which is often linked to cancer.

Fludioxonil was also found in five of the products. It is a commonly used product in fruits, vegetables and grains, and is believed to harm fetal development, cause changes in immune system cells and disrupt hormones.

Other pesticides found are associated with damage to the nervous and reproductive systems, and there is very little general toxicity data for the four pesticides identified in the study.

Apple-based products were the most likely to contain high levels of pesticide residue, and raspberries, pears and strawberries are also among the products that typically contain high levels of chemicals.

The best way to avoid pesticides is to buy organic baby food products, which are subject to more stringent regulations, said Olga Naidenko, a co-author of the study who leads children's research at the Environmental Working Group.

The researchers compared their results to a similar study conducted in 1995 and found that pesticide levels in baby foods were decreasing on a large scale. The older study found pesticides in 55% of the products tested, and found more dangerous pesticides.

“The presence of pesticide residues in baby foods is concerning, but parents should feel reassured that some of the most toxic chemicals we found in our 1995 study are no longer being detected,” Evans said.

Naidenko noted that oversight is still weak and that any level of exposure to pesticides is a cause of concern for infants. The process of banning chemicals often involves lengthy administrative and judicial battles, while consumers receive conflicting information from chemical manufacturers, regulators and public health advocates.

Reveal the effect of an essential element for health on prolonging life!

A new study conducted on mice found that consuming limited amounts of an essential amino acid slowed the effects of aging and even extended their lives.
Now, scientists are wondering whether these findings could help people improve their longevity and quality of life.

Isoleucine is one of three branched-chain amino acids that we use to build proteins in our bodies. It's essential for our survival, but since our cells can't produce it from scratch, we must get it from sources such as eggs, dairy products, soy protein and meat.

Previous research using data from a 2016-2017 survey of Wisconsin residents found that dietary isoleucine levels were associated with metabolic health, and that people with a higher BMI generally consumed much higher amounts of the amino acid.

“Different components of your diet have value and impact beyond their function as calories, and we looked at one ingredient that many people may be eating too much,” says Dudley Lamming, a metabolic researcher from the University of Wisconsin in the US.

A genetically diverse group of mice was fed either a diet containing twenty common amino acids as a control, a diet where all amino acids were reduced by about two-thirds, or a diet where only Isoleucine was reduced.

The mice were about six months old at the start of the study, which is equivalent to the age of a 30-year-old person.

Dietary isoleucine restriction increased the lifespan and health of the mice, reduced frailty, and enhanced blood sugar control. The lifespan of male mice was increased by 33% compared to those in which Isoleucine was not restricted.

The mice also scored better on 26 measures of health, including muscle strength, endurance, and blood sugar levels.

Curiously, the mice given the low-Isoleucine food also ate significantly more calories than others. But instead of gaining weight, I actually burned more energy and maintained slimmer weight.

Researchers believe that restricting the use of Isoleucine in humans, whether by diet or pharmaceutical means, has the potential to produce similar anti-aging effects, although, as with all studies in mice, we will not know for sure until It is actually tested on humans.

“We can't switch everyone to a low-isoleucine diet,” Laming says. “But narrowing down these benefits to a single amino acid gets us closer to understanding biological processes and perhaps potential interventions for humans, such as an isoleucine-blocking drug.”

The research was published in the journal Cell Metabolism.


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